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Trading Panarin?

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Talk about premature unless you're talking about throwing a few more nails into the window frame of the window where we become serious contenders that's not even all that close to being open yet.


Which is exactly why you want to trade him now, if the window isn?t even close to open, not so premature after all

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If I'm the Rangers I don't move panarin period. That kind of talent rarely comes around. If you want to give Lafreniere more ice team send Kreider packing. He's not worth the contract.


This. I would rather look to move Kreider and Trouba. I know Trouba doesn't affect the playing time of the young wingers but it would help to move cap space that will be a problem soon enough.

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This. I would rather look to move Kreider and Trouba. I know Trouba doesn't affect the playing time of the young wingers but it would help to move cap space that will be a problem soon enough.


I dont think Trouba finishes his contract here. As far as I'm concerned, Fox is the franchise defensemen and he's going to get paid. Miller and Lindgren will too.


Don?t make me smack you



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Vodka - trade high now? Waaaaay premature IMO. Maybe a year from now when these young pups gel then we have that talk. Over drinks. A few of them. If we?re on the cusp it?s worthy of a look. But in the meantime, where?s the lighter? LOL


I didn?t mean tomorrow but it?s certainly a conversation to be had by next season IMO.

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I would too but I don?t think they will be able to. I just think you won?t see Kakko and (especially) Lafreniere develop with Panarin here, they are too much of the same, puck needs to be on their stick for them to be effective.


As far as developing Kakko and Laff, get rid of the coach and get one who agrees on developing the kids rather then playing dead Kreider.

Panarin would go on the first line while Laff can taken the second.

I think Panarin needs to be traded 2 years before his contract is over, I don?t see him slowing down as far as the points go. I do hate his game sometime, i think he needs to be more physical. Kind of like Buch showing this year.

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