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I'm not familiar with NHL.tv's blackout range but could that be an option for you? You might even be able to circumvent those blackout restrictions, if CT is still too close, by using a VPN.


Otherwise, there are various online streams out there. They can't be shared directly on the forum but can be shared via PM.

I use NHL.tv, and I think it's one of the better investments I make every year. I'm well outside the coverage range though: if you're in any way able to get MSG (as in a local provider carries it), I would not spend for NHL.TV - you'll just be blacked out. NHL.TV also has a nasty habit of not carrying an NBC Sports or NHL Network simulcast of a national broadcast, which is annoying.
NHL Center Ice is usually free the first week or so. Make sure you check those stations on your tv prior to trying/paying for anything else.

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