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OTT Acquires Derek Stepan from ARI for 2021 2nd-Round Pick


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Because he's a $6.5 million cap hit. They paid to acquire a big number, not a great player.


Don't buy that. They could have paid a 3M dollar player on the FA market for that instead. Or they could have gotten assets back, or given up far less, to take certain salaries back. Brendan Smith's 4.5, Staal's 5.5 (maybe, depending on if Ottawa was on NTC list).


I think Ottawa is just a dumb franchise.

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Don't buy that. They could have paid a 3M dollar player on the FA market for that instead. Or they could have gotten assets back, or given up far less, to take certain salaries back. Brendan Smith's 4.5, Staal's 5.5 (maybe, depending on if Ottawa was on NTC list).


I think Ottawa is just a dumb franchise.


They're in fantastic shape for a dumb franchise.


2020 NHL organizational rankings: No. 7 Ottawa Senators https://theathletic.com/2026057/2020/09/08/2020-nhl-organizational-rankings-no-7-ottawa-senators/?source=user_shared_article


Also, is easy to say "they could have paid a free agent," but that free agent has to agree to go to Ottawa, which doesn't happen very often. Hence, creative trading.



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They're in fantastic shape for a dumb franchise.


2020 NHL organizational rankings: No. 7 Ottawa Senators https://theathletic.com/2026057/2020/09/08/2020-nhl-organizational-rankings-no-7-ottawa-senators/?source=user_shared_article


Also, is easy to say "they could have paid a free agent," but that free agent has to agree to go to Ottawa, which doesn't happen very often. Hence, creative trading.



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What I meant was giving a 3M player a 1 yr 6.5M deal instead. That player won't turn that money down for a year just because "Ottawa". He'll do it for a year and take the money. And they keep their picks.

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That makes even less sense. Stepan helps the Senators make the cap floor by giving them an inflated cap charge where the actual dollars owed pale by comparison. They're only on the hook to pay him $2 million in actual dollars, and they'll likely flip him, meaning their actual dollars out is even smaller. The point is precisely to NOT spend actual money.



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Definitely, and a perfect Ottawa player given he's owed like $2 million in actual dollars versus $6.5 million in cap hit. He kinda stinks, though.


That makes even less sense. Stepan helps the Senators make the cap floor by giving them an inflated cap charge where the actual dollars owed pale by comparison. They're only on the hook to pay him $2 million in actual dollars, and they'll likely flip him, meaning their actual dollars out is even smaller. The point is precisely to NOT spend actual money.



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Ah. Ok. Didn't see your other post I've also quoted here. This makes sense now.

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It's not a commodity market, these are people. What's available may not be what they want. Stepan checks boxes outside of counting stats.


Dorian is far more sly, crafty, and ballsy than given credit for, him proving many people hilariously wrong has been very entertaining.

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It's not a commodity market, these are people. What's available may not be what they want. Stepan checks boxes outside of counting stats.


Dorian is far more sly, crafty, and ballsy than given credit for, him proving many people hilariously wrong has been very entertaining.


He's a top-five GM for me the last two or three years. He just works for a clown.

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Not really, no. They have a bunch of guys coming up who need room to crack the NHL. Stepan is a stop gap.



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Well yeah but Cirelli would have been in the future as a cup winning two way center capable of being a 1c eventually. Still think that made more sense than getting a stop gap

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