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Monica and Ross' grandmother.

The orphans in Phoebe's doll house.

Ugly naked guy.

Mr. Heckles.


Seriously though - Charlie in Lost. What a fucking legend. Lost is tough though, cause he still existed in the show, right?


Hank and Jane's deaths in Breaking Bad hit the hardest for me. Hank for obvious reasons, knowing it was coming and Walt being too stupid to see it. Jane because overdoses are just hard for me to watch.


After that, it's probably Christopher Moltisanti on Sopranos. The relationship between he and Tony signaled that it was going to happen, but I wasn't expecting it when it did. Add Adriana.


Glenn and Abraham on TWD, mainly because their departure also happened to be when i began and then inevitably lost interest in the show.


Stringer Bell on the Wire because he was easily one of my favourite characters on the show.

The Walking Dead made me feel bad when Lori died.


Good one. Even better was Glen. That pissed a lot of people off and they stopped watching. It didn't piss me off, but I stopped watching not too long after that for other reasons.

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