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Tanner Glass Joining Rangers' Front Office


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According to a report on the Bordeaux Boxers? (French Ligue Magnus) website, Tanner Glass has retired from playing professional hockey and is taking a role in the New York Rangers? front office.


Via Google Translate:


At age 35, he focused on his post-career career, where he was offered a position by the New York Rangers to accompany and develop the newly recruited recruits to the Draft and he will follow them until their the prestigious NHL! He will continue to travel the world to watch over his young prospects, and who knows, maybe he will stop by Bordeaux during a future trip to Europe?


The translation doesn?t make it exactly clear what Glass could be doing, but it sounds exactly like or similar to the job Jed Ortmeyer has been doing as Director of Player Development.



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Grinders/fighters are usually the smartest guys. That’s how they got to that level with inferior skillsets.


Fantastic person, too. In any role where he's going to be interacting with young, impressionable minds, I can think of much worse options.

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I?ll mention it this way.

I can?t think of many former rangers who are better suited to move into the front office. Drury was the last to come to mind.

- class act

- high hockey IQ (you don?t

Stick in this league with his skill set without that )

- great work ethic

- articulate

And i can?t remember any former rangers with his level of education



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He?s a solid hire.

Forget about his play which while did bring some quality elements at times, often left a lot to be desired.

He always worked hard. Very well liked by his teammates. Respected in the locker room and around the league. And by all accounts a very intelligent guy.


Dartmouth grad and I believe he was their captain too.

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I’ll mention it this way.

I can’t think of many former rangers who are better suited to move into the front office. Drury was the last to come to mind.

- class act

- high hockey IQ (you don’t

Stick in this league with his skill set without that )

- great work ethic

- articulate

And i can’t remember any former rangers with his level of education



Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk


Dom Moore is the only one I can think of. Harvard.

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