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Max Domi Will Have Hearing for "Sucker" Punch on Aaron Ekblad


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One of the top comments on YT is "Marchand should be suspended for this" hahahahaha.


What am I missing here? Is there any context to this outside of Ekblad barely even touching Domi?

Moreover though, I am legit concerned about Ekblad. The dude has a concussion history and just took one punch and ends up bloody as fuck (I know blood ≠ concussion). Is this dude made of glass?

I’m fine with tossing him, uncalled for and could potentially injure someone. You want to fight, square up.


Getting mauled his next 3 shifts is more punishment than sitting out 1 game.

Ekblad should have defended himself a little better,it was obvious Domi wanted to rumble.


Why? There was nothing happening, and other than Domi, it wasnt moving towards being a fight.


Seriously, are we just going to condone guys going around and punching non-willing combatants with concussion history? this isn't Slap Shot.

Ekblad isn't likely to fight much in the regular season, he sure as hell isn't going to fight in a pre-season game. Domi trying too hard to show they got a tough guy.. Josh is right though.. 5 in the box and spend the rest of the game answering for it. If Fla (or whom ever the team may be) lets it slide, thats their call.
Pretty soft on not including any regular season games with this type of shit. The first two rabbit punches with his gloved hand were ok (to some extent) but the ungloved punch? Bush league. Preseason plus at least 3 regular season games.
Ekblad isn't likely to fight much in the regular season, he sure as hell isn't going to fight in a pre-season game. Domi trying too hard to show they got a tough guy.. Josh is right though.. 5 in the box and spend the rest of the game answering for it. If Fla (or whom ever the team may be) lets it slide, thats their call.


I agree there should be frontier justice, but that should come later - after the expulsion and hefty suspension. There has to be some deterrent from above or guys are just going to get seriously hurt.

I agree there should be frontier justice, but that should come later - after the expulsion and hefty suspension. There has to be some deterrent from above or guys are just going to get seriously hurt.


Problem is, if you go for retribution next game, you risk suspension... during the regular season.

Let them take care of this when it happens, first and foremost.

Let the league deal with the hit after the players do.


Domi suckers Ekblad. He's concussed.


The next time they meet, Thornton un-retires, pulls Domi off the bench and turns his face inside out.


What's the point?

You cant let guys get away with this shit when it involves a teammate.


Right, so who came to Ekblad's defense in the moment?


No one?


OK, that's their problem.


[PS, that's also dated thinking]

dated. lol


"We dont stick up for eachother anymore... that's old school shit."

Sticking up happens in the moment. Not the game 3 weeks later. Sure, Ekblad appreciates the sentiment... But appreciation is the only tangible result.


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