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Who's Watched NYR Rewind Games This Summer?


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I must admit first off, that I haven't watched a ton of re-wind games this summer. You always know the outcome -- the Rangers will win! I get that, but the funny part to me is that I still get a knot in my stomach if we are down by a goal or two during the game. In spite of knowing in advance that MSG will only show 'wins,' I still have that physical reaction. Anyone else watching?
I must admit first off, that I haven't watched a ton of re-wind games this summer. You always know the outcome -- the Rangers will win! I get that, but the funny part to me is that I still get a knot in my stomach if we are down by a goal or two during the game. In spite of knowing in advance that MSG will only show 'wins,' I still have that physical reaction. Anyone else watching?


Not as much as I used to. Once I'm watching the replay, I remember what happened. So its constantly "I still cant believe he did that..."

Zero, because this past season was one of the toughest physical products I've ever suffered. I have no desire to relive it. It was painful enough the first time around.
Zero, because this past season was one of the toughest physical products I've ever suffered. I have no desire to relive it. It was painful enough the first time around.


Id take last season over the early 2000's though. Those were far worse.


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