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If You Woke Up a Billionaire Tomorrow


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I guess it would depend on how much of a billionaire, if you just have a billion you wouldnt have enough to buy the team since they are worth $1.5B.


u wouldn't have to put up 1.5B up front. you would make a downpayment of 1B and then monthly installments on the other 500M

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Built on a gigantic floatation device?



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Or up on a bluff away from the Gulf a bit. I wouldn?t want it on the beach, but I?d want a panoramic view.


Like this, but this may not be perched high enough to not worry about flooding...








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It'll be an island in like 40 years, so maybe buy a boat, too.



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I?ll buy several to go with that place. Has nothing to do with rising ocean levels though. They aren?t rising that fast. I?ll be long gone before that?s a worry.


Back to fantasy land, I love the Gulf side of southern FL. Lots of seclusion and peace compared to the Atlantic side.


Maybe Cally could be my neighbor.



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