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The Wrong Side of Twitter: Internet Scumbags in Hiding After Curt Schilling Attacks


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And with some shocking success. Privacy is one thing (since twitter will not share out there users anyway), and a part of me still believes you're open game when you put yourself there to the world, but every dad is doing a fist bump for what he did. You want to keep your anonymous life on par, don't sexually harass 17 year old girls on twitter




Diana Moskovitz






Yesterday 4:47pm

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Curt Schilling is wrong on so many things, but not this one. Schilling tweeted out congratulations to his daughter last week for getting accepted to college, where she'll play softball. Here's what he said. It's a nice, solid Proud Dad tweet.

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Stuff like this needs to happen more often. And scumbag or not, I'm happy to see him go balls to the wall for his daughter. Internet scumbags are the biggest pieces of shit on the planet.


Pretty sure actual murderers, rapists and pedophiles rank higher.


These guys rank maybe a close fourth or fifth.

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Pretty sure actual murderers, rapists and pedophiles rank higher.


These guys rank maybe a close fourth or fifth.


Murderers, rapists and pedophiles are in their own category of shittiness and don't belong in the same sentence. They deserved to be shot on sight. Internet assholes are just piles of gutless shit cowards.

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