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Gorilla Salad

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Everything posted by Gorilla Salad

  1. Agreed, but would like to see Kappo get on the scoresheet a bit more.
  2. Us too. I hope Terminus changes things up a bit. We're starting season 5 tonight. Looks like Rick is taking the lead again. Hey, how come MAggie didn't ask where her sister was? She was the only one from the group unaccounted for that they didn't ask about. Or did I miss that?
  3. No, that kid was bat shit crazy and annoying. If they would have continued playing out her story line, I would have bailed out.
  4. OK, midway through Season 4 and this show is pissing me off to the point where I now root for the Zombies Maybe it's frustration more than anything - there never seems to be any "progress" in this show. Same shit different day only washed/rinsed/repeated in a different way with different characters. They can hit zombies from 50 feet away in the head with 1 shot, but when they are firing at a large group of living people, using automatic weapons, NO ONE gets shot! If Carl did eat that entire can of pudding, with no running water and clean underwear, I'd worry more about trusting a stray fart than the friggin zombies. Finishing season 4 tonight - 6 more episodes to go, no work tomorrow for either of us, wife still loves it. I'm about to blow a gasket.
  5. Talk about being late to the party, my wife and I just started watching this last week. Finally getting some time together to hang out and relax, so we decided on TWD. Holy cow, I'm glad we did. We binge-watched yesterday halfway through season 2 and we are loving it. I'm trying to avoid spoilers at all cost, but I made the mistake of looking up what one of the actors was in before on IMDB and then saw how many episode some of the characters were in. I was pissed I did that. Hope it stays fun to watch over the long haul.
  6. *rimshot* Try the veal folks, he'll be here all week, and don't forget to tip your waitress!
  7. There goes the neighborhood. :rofl: But seriously, congratulations! :pbjtime: :thumbs: :cheers:
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