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Seinfeld Twitter Account Shows Hilarious Modern-Day Plot Lines


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A new parody Twitter account -- appropriately named @SeinfeldToday -- explores possible plot lines for quirky cast members Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer, if the show was still airing. With shout-outs to Apple, e-books, Kickstarter and more, @SeinfeldToday will remind you how perfect the show was in its heydey and just how much you miss it.


The Atlantic Wire has pinned BuzzFeed sports writer Jack Moore as the man behind the account, with the help of his friend and comedian Josh Gondelman.


"My friend Josh and I were tweeting these last night on our personal accounts," Moore told Mashable. "I thought the idea could be it's own thing."


"I'm a little surprised it took off, but Seinfeld's my favorite thing in the world, so it's cool that other people still like it the way I do," he added.


Some hilarious examples:



Elaine has a bad waiter at a nice restaurant, her negative Yelp review goes viral, she gets banned. Kramer accidentally joins the Tea Party.


Kramer uses Kickstarter to fund a line of dog tasers. "Tasers for dogs to protect themselves. To protect themselves, Jerry! "


Kramer uses grinder to meet new friends, doesn't know it's a gay hook-up app. Jerry refuses to admit he cried on @WTFpod.


George pretends to be vegan to sleep with a woman, but then makes her eggs in the morning. Kramer gets an ebook deal. Jerry has a bad set.

I can't believe how 140 symbols can be so spot on in determining what today's Seinfeld would be like.


Several of them had me in tears laughing. Including the one about egg's in the morning.



George's parents claim their house was destroyed by "Sandy," move in with George. He discovers the house is fine. Sandy is a loud neighbor.



Elaine's new BF is a chef who does molecular gastronomy. George goes to the restaurant, complains there's no actual food on his plate.


lol totally pictured this episode


This one is even better.



George tries to pick up a woman at a funeral. Newman attempts to become the most hateful YouTube commenter of all time.
  • 3 weeks later...


George refuses to have Skype sex with his traveling gf (Erinn Hayes). "I can't focus on her. All I see is me, and it's NOT PRETTY, Jerry."


LMAO. Amazing.


What's funny is that every time I see one of these awesome tweets, I end up watching Seinfeld that very night.


Maybe this is all a big ploy by TBS to get more people watching re-runs every night? :rofl:

  • 4 weeks later...
Almost spit out my coffee with this one, could totally picture it


@SeinfeldToday: Kramer gets lost in the Super Dome on his way to his seats at the Super Bowl. Accidentally knocks out all the lights.


It's amazing how you can just picture his hair flopping along with his body as he looks around in that Kramer stare as he's just done something bad ,then composes himself, starts whistling and walks away, and then trips again on something else.


God I miss that show.


Me too! That episode would've been gold. Especially with the tweet earlier in the week, would've tied in perfectly for an episode


@SeinfeldToday: Kramer goes to the Super Bowl, sees Ray Lewis in a club, criticizes his dancing. Ray refuses to dance before the game and the Ravens lose.


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