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Someone to Weld a Muffler in Brooklyn


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I have a muffler that is a little loose under my car, and I don't really have THE mechanic to go to. The guy who used to do it for me actually had his whole house damaged due to Sandy so he can't do it just yet.


I was wondering if any one here knew who I could go to to weld a muffler for me?


It makes annoying noises when driving.

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How old is the car and are you sure it's loose? Could very easily be your catalytic converter is going as well.



It's loose. The mechanic I was going to said it's loose and it needed to be welded which he doesn't do.


what exactly is the situation?


did a hanger break or is the muffler loose on the pipe itself?


I'm pretty sure he told my dad that the muffler is loose on the pipe itself, but I can try and look into it by myself tomorrow, but I doubt I will get any results because I have no clue on car anatomy at all.

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If you have room on the pipe, a band clamp will tighten it up.


this, they make 3" wide stainless steel band clamps that really fix most problems.


All you need is a ratchet, although a cordless impact gun will save you a lot of time.





Just figure out what diameter pipe you have and get the appropriate clamp.

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