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Double Major, worth it?

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right now im a double major in Political Science and History


I can also have another political internship, regardless of doing the double major, itd just be a ton of work


Ive had a few internships, so i have good work experience


if i just do poli sci, I can have a really easy last semester and have a lot of time to focus on my internship


is a double major really worth it?

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A buddy of mine is doing a double major at university of Pittsburgh. He's in school all year pretty much except maybe 4 weeks when you combine christmas/summer semester gaps. If I was to double major I would probably go that route vs doubling up on classes in the fall/spring semesters. If your really close to graduating with a dual major I would say stick with it, why waste a few years worth of work that you already completed.
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Listen to both those guys. If you're close, you should suck it up and finish regardless. If you're not that close, then determine whether the History major will help you either get where you want to go now or even help any of your back up career options.
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If it winds down to just one more semester, get that second major. Don't back out of it now and if only it shows you are committed, hard-working student with a broad perspective on the world. Especially since it's History, which is obviously a degree for really awesome people ( ;) ) and one of those degrees that might not be specific enough for a career with graduate school, but which offers a lot of perspective.
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Well this is the scenario


If I double Majored, I would have to cram 4, maybe 5 classes on two days a week, while I interned the other 3 days. If I get hired to a government student assistant job that pays by the hour, id want to work as much as possible.


If I drop one major, I could have only 2 classes that I actually go to, get random credits for the unpaid internship Im guaranteed to get, and theres an easy online class to fulfill the Art class I need to take to graduate.


This would give me a lot of free time to focus on work. itd also be nice to take an easier last semester.


I just dont know how important a double major is going to be. But I should probably just suck it up and do it anyway

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