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The Walking Dead


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Did I enjoy the episode? Hell yeah. Was I upset? Hell yeah. Really going to miss Merle. I hate that they were really making him into a character that you fall in love with at the end, and that just happens to him. Just makes me want to kill the governor myself.


Was hoping that the governor didn't even shoot him, but I was being way too hopeful.


Wish we had a smart-ass like him in the show still.

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The Hollywood Reporter: How will Merle's death change Daryl?


Norman Reedus: He's going to become quiet and it's going to harden him. He grew up a lot in that moment and he's truly on his own. He has the group, which has become his new family, but as far as reconnecting with his brother when they got back together he had it in his mind that it could be a new beginning. Merle could change, Daryl definitely changed and they could be different people now; he had this hope. It was the same thing with finding Sophia -- she was the symbol of hope for future and Daryl was holding on to it. Now he's going to be real dark and he'll withdraw a bit. He definitely wants revenge but at the same time he's just becoming hardened by life. Daryl stabbing Merle in the head over and over like that wasn't anger toward his brother it was at the situation, the world we live in, frustration and a lot of rage comes from a fear-based place. Daryl has always been full of fear and rage at he same time he fights because he's he's always had to, he's always had his back up against the wall and that makes you a ferocious fighter. But there's also elements of fear that causes you to be like that. All those feelings are hardened now and he's going to get stone cold for a while. There's also a part of him that thinks maybe he can grow from that a little bit, too.


THR: Will Daryl realize that it was the Governor who shot Merle -- and knowingly allowed him to turn into a walker?


Reedus: Daryl can look at a situation and know what happened. I don't know if Daryl is going to dig the bullet out and figure it out or is just full of grief and walk away. He holds the Governor completely responsible for the situation. The situation that the Governor brought to the table has threatened everybody and it got his brother killed. Daryl definitely wants to cut the guy's face off. He wants a ferocious revenge, he doesn't just want to see justice -- he wants to rip his head off.


THR: How deadly is the finale? Will there be major casualties on both sides?


Reedus: It's a full-blown war. You have two herds of wild animals charging at each other and everyone has guns, knives and explosives. People will definitely die.

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They couldn't get these guys a bigger couch?


Ha! They usually only have two regular guests and a possible third who shows up much later in the night. This is the first time they've ever had two extras.

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Rick went crazy and was imagining hearing voices on the phone.


Depnding on episode, she has her walkers or just spilled walker blood all over herself. Zombies smell that, and believe she is dead like them.

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Rick went crazy and was imagining hearing voices on the phone.


Depnding on episode, she has her walkers or just spilled walker blood all over herself. Zombies smell that, and believe she is dead like them.


okay that makes sense. And the episode I'm talking about is the same one where he talks on the phone. First Michonne notices they walk by her without them caring, then she just walks up to the prison fence with them.

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makes sense now. Just didnt know thats how the show made the zombies function. So would this imply that anyone walking out in the open should be safe if they just cover themselves in zombie blood?

Yes. They did it during the first season. Its smells extremely bad.

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