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Everything posted by jsm7302

  1. I have not believed in a roster like I believe in this one in a long time.
  2. No words for this team. NO TEAM this year has had this kind of adversity once the playoffs started. Gotta pull for these guys tonight. #DramaQueens
  3. Rempe gunna start this one? I feel like I'd let him have tonight off and bring him back when they return to MSG or need the spark to change the tide. Like anything else; overuse will cause the shininess to wear. Gotta conserve the spark for when needed.
  4. I need to know where this is being aired so I can determine when to start my slingtv trial.
  5. Score early and score often. Gotta shake the goalie's confidence early. Rempe should pound DeAngelo too.
  6. Boston v. Panthers will be much more entertaining than Leafs (minus Matthews) v. Panthers.
  7. I'd love to see them lose back to back years in round one game sevens. The cats will eat the Leafs for breakfast in four games though.
  8. Wanna see Leafs push this to 7. Excited for tonight.
  9. I can't find it. Are we officially starting on Sunday?
  10. Dallas is my horse in the west. HOLD ON BOYS!!!! Almost within one win.
  11. Tampa had their year. It isn't this one nor the next one. They need an on the fly rebuild. Build it around Point. They were never the same after trading McDonagh. Tear it down!
  12. I think it is pretty obvious. Gallant wanted pop tarts in the locker room between periods and Drury said no. Second issue had to do with toilet paper brand. GG is a ride or die for Charmin.
  13. Wanna see Dallas pull this off. Fun to watch. I'm tired of the Vegas narrative.
  14. I feel like we always know our opponent before our series ends. This is exciting to sit and wait. The boys must be thrilled to relax for a few days.
  15. How do pro hockey players stand there and watch a man skate 20 feet in to the goalie to shoot. Three of em standing there staring.
  16. They should've made significant changes this year. Keefe should've been gone at the least. Too top heavy; this was never going to work.
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