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High and Wide

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Everything posted by High and Wide

  1. I went to high school with a Lebanese girl who apparently was smoking it since she was 12. I'd like to try it sometime see what its about.
  2. Mance has been cast! http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/08/17/game-of-thrones-mance-rayder/ Ciar?n Hinds: http://img2.timeinc.net/ew/i/2012/08/16/CIARAN-HINDS_320x240.jpg
  3. Rhommy's house soon to look like this: http://media.lonelyplanet.com/lpi/6584/6584-10/681x454.jpg
  4. It really is. It drags, its uneventful, nobody wants to do anything. I've already written it off. I'm ready for September.
  5. Now that you can block friends from statuses, having your parents as friends isn't that big of a deal.
  6. Yea I got pretty bored with it. Haven't played it since I downloaded it.
  7. Hey, its the summer, these are important matters. Deal with it :D
  8. What thing are you talking about? The first thing, or the second thing?
  9. Liked. BTW I'm thinking about getting that "View From The Top" canvas. I'm just trying to figure out where, and how much to frame it. Any suggestions?
  10. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2012/06/14/154995693/george-w-bushs-decapitated-head-appeared-on-game-of-thrones?sc=fb&cc=fp There's a link to the image in there, but it really looks like him. Pretty funny and random.
  11. Agreed. Tyrion is tormenting the poor lad. Scrap that, he still gets to fuck Cersei.
  12. Well, that was probably the most accurate episode of the season. Only thing that bothered me was
  13. Tyrion Lannister is by far my favorite character from anything ever. Between Martin's writing, and Dinklage's acting, Tyrion is just awesome.
  14. http://michaelnorthrop.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/zoolander-school1.jpg
  15. I used to love baseball, but as i've gotten older I came to the realization that its not much different from watching the grass grow.
  16. You and every other ranger fan not going to the game! Might end up seeing you there, or not. Its going to be packed tomorrow night.
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