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Everything posted by Myusername

  1. Do you honestly think these pansies are going to respond positively to that?
  2. Well, at least we're all 20 min away to not wasting time on something we have zero control over
  3. Let's be honest, if Trouba doesn't injure Crosby last season this would be our second exit in the first round with Gallant. This team is so much less than the sum of its part it's laughable
  4. I want to get on them but these guys are hanging on by a fucking thread physically
  5. Ran out of steam. This is what happens when you can't ever finish out a series in less than 7 games
  6. Going to be another big test for our boys. We rode our momentum from the last series and took advantage of Tampa's rust in the first two games but they've caught up and brought us back to earth a bit in the last two games. To me the two teams are pretty much even and the deciding factor will be who wants it more - simple as that.
  7. To be fair, literally ever team aside from maybe the Avs have had this issue in the postseason thus far. I think the Penguins are the only team that have beat us at home thus far
  8. Everyone knew that shit was coming at some point. Can't let that be the excuse
  9. Igor has been good but he's going to need to have a "shut the fucking door in their face" type game this series if we're to win. That's the one thing he hasn't really done in these playoffs - lay a goose egg.
  10. I have a dreadful fear that this is going to be the Carolina series in reverse for us
  11. No way they're not getting shut out tonight. They let Vasi find his groove
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