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Everything posted by Bluephoria

  1. I graduated late due to a combination of being very sick, major classes not being available, and laziness. lol Do your best to avoid this... I've been asked to explain this in interviews a number of times and I also had to explain it in my grad school admission interview.
  2. This is pretty cool.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd5BMP_41bI%26rel=0%26hl=en_US%26feature=player_em bedded%26version=3
  3. All I want to know is if you'll be serving bud heavy at this redneck wedding?
  4. Minimum 5 months... If the job works out indefinitely, I guess.
  5. Minimum 5 months... If the job works out indefinitely, I guess.
  6. Hero pig ftw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLV5Lr5pauc&feature=player_embedded#!
  7. Ribbed... for her pleasure.



  8. Ribbed... for her pleasure.



  9. Hah.. I need to think of something to buy.
  10. Hah.. I need to think of something to buy.
  11. Lmao.. You creep on the pharmacist and I creep on you... The circle of life.
  12. Lmao.. You creep on the pharmacist and I creep on you... The circle of life.
  13. http://www.cbs.com/shows/survivor/cast/160009/
  14. I just found out this girl I went to HS with is on Survivor. LOL
  15. My wisdom teeth only grew in on the top as far as I know.. I guess that's why pulling just this one ain't a problem?
  16. Ya, the dentist. Apparently it was a false alarm.. today was just fixing a cavity.. I've got to go in again at the beginning of October to get it extracted. Ugh... I was freaking out all day for nothing!
  17. local + gas... so scared. I don't have dental insurance so going to an oral surgeon to get knocked out would have killed my pocket.
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