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Everything posted by SaveByRichter35

  1. I'm not the one debating it. I am 100% happy with the signing. with that said, and I don't wanna sound like a Debby downer I am just playing devil's advocate from a neutral position, the argument can go both ways. It is only 10 games into the season.
  2. To prepare for last night we started letting our son, 2 years and almost 4 months old, stay up 15-20mins later each night the past few nights. Last night was about an hour later than his normal time. Each night he still woke up at his normal time between 6-30am. Except last night, which was between 5 and 530am so it was really all for nothing lol. I am working and my wife is off today so she got up with him and I slept another hour until 6. Luckily for us we were both shot last night and went to bed around 930pm. Which felt amazing when I turned a bunch of clocks back to 830pm before I went to bed haha. He is napping right now, during his normal nap time. We didn't really do much of anything with my daughter, who is almost 7 months old. She slept about the same as well. We try to ensure a mid day nap for my son but if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen. It didn't happen much over the summer as we didn't wanna be the people you described, leaving parties/bbqs/etc, just so our kid could nap. We have to have lives too. Between my work schedule allowing me to be home a lot during the day, and for the days we both work during the day our babysitter being a pretty well structured "in home daycare center" he gets his naps pretty much every day. If he doesn't nap we just try to get him to bed earlier. Again, with my daughter, she's an infant so she pretty much naps whenever she wants.
  3. I'm aware of the OP's objections to the signing, I've seen his plethora of posts against it in other threads. While I agree it can get tiring reading it over and over again, its not as if his gripes are unfounded. We all know the Rangers have a rather large history of failed high profile UFA signings. Personally I was happy to see them sign Panarin but I can see why the OP has his doubts. There is nothing wrong with discussing that. There are plenty of dumb threads on here. If you are all so bothered by the OP and his gripes with the signing he just gave you the platform to make him eat crow when/if Panarin plays out his Ranger career like the Artemi Panarin of the Blackhawks and Blue Jackets.
  4. I am kinda surprised how much this thread is being misconceived. The OP stated he knows its too early to ask this question but that its more of a place to post a little farther down the road when this question has more purpose.
  5. I get the point of the thread, which I think is perfectly fine, even if its a silly idea to ask the question at this specific time. I am with the camp that says maybe this signing would have made more sense next year or the year following, but, you have to pull the trigger now if the player is available now. I'm sure this thread will make much more sense in the following seasons, if it isn't too badly derailed by then.
  6. She is barely in the show, how did she irritate you so much? I agree its a very weird story line. I am looking forward to seeing how it pans out, or at least even contributes to the show overall.
  7. You need players like that to help teach the kids. The team can't be all teenagers learning the game all at once.
  8. Banged out the last 5 last night. I enjoyed, but, I think I liked season one better. I hate that it was only 8 episodes.
  9. Soooo a hot blonde ruins a show for you, but, Helen's mother who looks like a bird...doesn't? lol
  10. I miss Bachman though, I love TJ Miller.
  11. I figure we've gone this far, we may as well see it through. We've watched worse lol.
  12. I did 3 episodes last night as well. Loving it so far.
  13. I absolutely love the interaction between Dinesh and Gilfoyle.
  14. Anyone watching this season? I’m only, I believe, 5 episodes in out of 8 or 9 so far. Interesting storyline with the movie being shot and all the accompanying drama to go with that. I’m absolutely lost on the addition of Joanie’s storyline, which takes place in her adulthood future. Curious to see how that plays into the overall story.
  15. Finished season 3, a Netflix “original”, a few weeks back. It was a good follow up season. It was a bit more raw compared to its previous TV seasons. More language, more sexual content. Unfortunately the most in depth sex scene was two dudes, they showed a lot of that unfortunately. I’d have preferred to see more of Emily or Aaron’s new woman instead of two dudes going at it but it is what it is, just fast forward. Concept of this season was President Kirkman running for re-election.
  16. Spent last night and this afternoon rewatching season 1 to refresh my memory. Season two is now live for those interested.
  17. We're actually both correct, I just had the wrong decade. Pretty crazy it happen to him twice. I don't recall the Nashville thing at all. https://edmontonjournal.com/sports/hockey/nhl/cult-of-hockey/the-one-day-that-mike-richter-was-a-member-of-the-edmonton-oilers
  18. I think you resign him for the right price as Phil has eluded. Yes, there are guys like that throughout the league that could be brought in at any time, but, Fast is ours. He means enough to us to keep him, while at the same time, he may not necessarily mean enough to someone else to get the return we'd want.
  19. Richter's rights were traded to, Vancouver or Edmonton iirc, prior to one of the early 90's expansion drafts. He then signed with the Rangers as a free agent. He never actually played for another team.
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