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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. No. On the penalty kill the team killing the penalty will get whistled for an icing and the faceoff will come back into their zone like every other whistle for icing. Teams will be allowed to change though (not like the NHL if they go to this).
  2. We just found out yesterday that our best D-man is moving to Minnesota. Tough loss already!
  3. Titans still only have the one sheet of ice for all those teams that they have. I know last season they were running 40 minute, 1/2 ice practices. The Penguins moved to Howell this season. I know they have a ton of ice available for their teams there since they don't have too many teams at the moment. They have a PWA team that sounds like it might be ok. If I was in your position, however, I would definitely check out Red Bank first. They always seem to produce some pretty solid teams and have good coaching. Plus they have one of the best rinks I've been in.
  4. You think Sammy's got two years left in him? I think he's gone at the end of next season and we'll be hearing Kenny Albert full time.
  5. Impressive that you even made a game out of it. I don't know any team that is deep enough to handle that type of injury bug. All those concussions though...pretty scary.
  6. Hell of a season though. The boys should be proud.
  7. They needed an episode like this. The Eugene episode almost made me quit the show.
  8. I can already hear the "Tzar Igor!" chants rolling through the Garden
  9. One of your son's former teammates (i think) plays with my son's team. His father was saying the same thing. I'm not sure that there is a perfect program out there though.
  10. I'd probably just go to your son's old club. The Colonials. They seem to do pretty good in terms of player advancement.
  11. Really? That seems strange. I think they are going to struggle next year with all the legal issues they are having and the limited ice time available. Not that I ever want to find myself in this position but it must be difficult joining a new team at this stage of the season...especially for older kids.
  12. Right, but you said AY so I was only thinking of teams that are playing in the AY. I think Brick, Red Bank or the Wildcats probably make more sense though.
  13. I asked. The coach didn't know. The family is from the Brick area. I would think the Titans would be the closest option but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
  14. Isn't that a sad testament to our society? Can you imagine your parents having that mentality? My parents certainly didn't. Another one: A kid on my team told a fellow parent that if he didn't score a goal in our last game his dad was taking away his iPhone. WTF is that?
  15. By far the most dangerous thing that I see in hockey. Very dangerous, scary, collision.
  16. In another move that'll make you shake your head about parents...there is an '03 kid in our organ-i-zation who is a pretty solid player but he has taken 8 two and 10's over the first half of the season for checking from behind. On top of that he has three other 10 minute misconducts for different infractions. The '03 coach suspended this kid, after the 8th checking from behind penalty, prior to the Christmas break for one practice and two games. The coach's reasoning is that this kid is clearly not getting the message, is hurting the team with his constant penalties, and he is actually afraid that this kid might seriously hurt someone and thus reflect poorly on him (as the coach) and the organization as a whole. The kid's response? He quit the team. And his parents were on board with his quitting b/c they felt that the suspension was too harsh. And his father was a parent helping out as an assistant coaching the team and knew first hand how much his son's penalties were hurting the team. Just makes me wonder where people are coming from nowadays.
  17. I can barely hang with 11 y.o's. I would want no part of playing against 18-29 y.o. studs! Sounds like fun though. Our last practice is tomorrow. Just found out we have the full sheet and I'm running practice so I'm going to suit up too. I let them wear their favorite jersey's on this last practice before the break just to keep it even more loose. I'll have to work in some drills first because there is no way I'm scrimmaging for 1:20!
  18. I was running practice yesterday with my son's team and I got obliterated from behind by one of the 11 y.o's. I was running a one-on-one drill where the defenseman goes behind the net, hits the forward with an outlet pass, and then the forward carries the puck outside the zone, around a cone, and then re-enters for a 1 v 1 coming back in the zone. To get multiple and quick reps I split the zone in half (lengthwise) and instruct them to stay on their side of the ice. I got lazy and didn't set up cones down the middle to give them the visual aid of what their side of the ice was. So there I was, watching both sides doing the drill when the forward on my right side swung way to the middle causing the d-man to sweep the back of my legs out! I landed right on my back to the amusement of all the kids. Any one else ever get taken out during practice? I've been hit with pucks before but this was the first time I actually got deposited.
  19. 1.51 GAA after 26 games is only good for top 3? Make the nets bigger!!!
  20. Justin Fontaine joining the Pack. http://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/17807014/new-york-rangers-agree-contract-justin-fontaine
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