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Everything posted by NYR2711

  1. For anyone who doesnt know, Obama is again coming to NY today for 3 fundraisers. This time though, he is still landing at JFK, but isnt taking a helicopter as usual to the lower East or West sides. He is driving from JFK to the Triboro bridge and then driving to 65th street for his first fundraiser at 4 pm, then may walk a couple of blocks if the weather is nice to his next one. Then at 7, he is going to the Apollo for another fundraiser and then driving back to JFK. Traffic is going to be a nightmare today in NYC because all the roads he travels on are going to be shut down while he is traveling on them. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up so that if they dont have to drive in the city today, dont.
  2. Great, I got conned into doing a double tonight, and when I got to work, of course because it was cold out, we have no heat. So we were sitting here, and then all of a sudden the blowers turned on, so now not only do I not have heat for a 17 hours, but now I have to deal with the AC on blowing out cold air, this sucks.
  3. Just got home from the funeral for Police Officer Peter Figoski, what a sad day. There were at least 20,000 cops in attendance, I saw cops from as far away as Chicago and even Germany. What a sad day, I really feel bad for his kids. Its hard enough to lose a parent, but to lose one like this this close to Christmas is very sad and hard.
  4. Yeah, we were afraid that he was going to not do anything and want us to move him for him. But last night, he finally started crawling around with it, which was a good sign to us. He is getting very frustrated with not being able to walk, which I also think is good because it shows e he is not afraid to walk. The worst thing to me is that we cant give him anything and dont know when he is really in pain. Every so often he will cry, an thats when we figure he is in pain and we just pick him up and let him sit in our laps to take break.
  5. The diaper changing has been the hardest part for me, lol. Holding his legs up is a pain in the ass, I have to prop the cast up on my shoulder and hold the other leg, it's quit amusing, lol.
  6. Yeah, we have been pushing him to walk on it all day. He is only 19 months old, so it's hard for him. He is trying to do whatever he used to do, but getting frustrated that he can't. He was starting to crawl with it tonight, but it is still a lot of work for him. He has been a trooper through this, and I feel bad because he can't tell us when and if he is in pain plus we can't give him any medicine except children's Tylenol. We have been giving him extra attention and thank you for the kind words.
  7. What a day today was. My son fell last night running from my living room into my kitchen, he was wearing socks and slipped on the linoleum floor, it was a simple little fall. He cried little bit, then calmed down, and my wife put him to bed thinking he was fine. I woke up this morning and got him up and dressed and fed, and when I put hi down to play, he wouldnt walk and was favoring his right leg. So I took him to the doctors, and we found out that he has a baby fracture in his tibia from the fall, he mus have twisted when he fell and caused a small fracture. We had to take the poor kid all over to different doctors and to get x-rays done, and now the poor kid is in a hard cast for the next month. Its just amazing that with all the big bumps and bruises he gets, he even fell out of his crib one day and didnt get hurt, that a such a small fall could do this. The doctors said this was common among little kids his age for this to happen, but I was just shocked that he fractured it in this way. We did pick Rangers blue though for his cast.
  8. I love dogs, I like them better than people. My dogs are very smart. My Pug knows where things are in the house, he will find a toy behind the couch that has been there for a couple of days, and will know how to get it, or will get us if it is back there. He also knows when food is someplace on the floor under the fridge, under the couch. He also knows when one of us gets hurt or something is in trouble. I had a cat in my backyard that was hit by a car, and both of my dogs got me to go out in the back yard to help it. They both kept running to the door and then would run over to it, and then run back to see if I was there. Unfortunately, once I found it and got it help, they had to put it down because he was so badly injured. My morkie lets us know when he does something wrong be making a face at us, we call i monster face because he curls his top lip up and shows his teeth and gives himself away.
  9. Feel better, this is always how it is. I have vacation next week, with a ton of shit I have to do, and I feel a head cold coming on, I hope it doesnt fully develop into a cold though.
  10. I dont get it either. Two of my friends wives are obsessed with it, my wife read the books and watched the movies, but she isnt obsessed with it, but from what I have been told, they arent even true to the actual Vampire myth. They can walk in sun light and nothing happens to them, its just dumb to me.
  11. What about that stupid Twilight? I would say that was/is bigger than Harry Potter. I could never get into either one of them, I just have no interest in them.
  12. Sorry to hear this, I hope everything goes well for her and you and your family.
  13. Good luck man, I hope everyone gets better for you and your family.
  14. Best of luck, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
  15. Hes hitting something, just not the gym. Either way he's getting in a work out.
  16. Thank you my good sire.
  17. Happy Easter to everyone. I hope you are all having a better day than I am, I have to work today.
  18. If you leave it in too long they also explode.:disappointed:
  19. Use a pin to pop it, thats what I usually do. Just sterilize it first.
  20. I know exactly how you feel man. When I was dating my wife, I was working nights, she was working days as a teachers assistant. Her days off were Saturday and Sunday and she coached after work until 7 2-3 days a week and had to do swim meets on some of the weekends. My schedule at work Gaza 5 nights working then 2 nights off, then 5 nights working and 3 nights off so my days off were always changing. Sometimes I saw her for like 4 hours a week if we were lucky. When I got transferred it was a little bit easier because I now have Fridays and Saturdays off, and we saw each other a little bit more. Now That we are married, we still have the same schedule, but I see her only on Friday nights and Saturdays, and Sunday morning before I leave for work. She is a city teacher now, and leaves for work at 630 in the morning when I am sleeping, and I come home at around midnight when she is sleeping, so our weekends are the only time we really see each other. We talk on the phone more than we see each other curing the week.
  21. I dated my wife for about a year before we got engaged. You know when you are with that person that this is the person I want to spend my life with. There is no set amount of time that people have to date. My best friend was engaged after 6 or 7 months. You just have to do what is right and go at your pace, no one elses.
  22. Greg De Vries (no pic in an NYR uniform) http://images.wikia.com/icehockey/images/1/1e/Greg_de_Vries.jpg
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