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Everything posted by Niko

  1. "I ain't seen the floater pitch since Scuffy McGee!!!" Bet, the "major league" series is the elites baseball movie/series
  2. At the end of the day, I just don't think I like being a cop. You do very little helping of anyone and a ton of nonsense that makes me hate myself. Plus my current gf would never move out of the city, and I ont think I'd enjoy it either...
  3. That's the thing. Both of my old jobs said I can come back and I'd be making like 30k more than I am now. But I won't have medical benefits or a pension, as both aren't really careers. I'm in the applicant processing for a state job tha my friend is pretty much in charge of, but unless the state allocates enough money to hire people, I may not get it. I feel like I'm at the cross roads of my life and it sucks. But having options is better than the alternative of not having options, I suppose.
  4. It's not that simple. You can get promoted and be an impact sergeant in Brooklyn New York working 7pm to 0405 am again, (like my sergeants) dealing with the same nonsense I am now, except you're at a higher pay grade. Idk, we deal with a lot of nonsense arrests and bs summonses and I don't like having no discretion because I HAVE to produce what they want. The hours and location breed misery and for my troubles I lose my nights, weekends and holidays, see my mother once every 2 months,have to choose which friend I can see this week on my bull shit Tuesday night off bc I basically have 4 hours of comparable time off with friends. It just sucks. Also, making your gf cry bc you have to break plans for the Saturday night off you waited 3 months for bc the give you mandatory overtime (of standing around like a dick, doing nothing) or because you have to spend 28 hours straight processing arrest because the system you use to do so is a joke. It's perpetual frustration and misery for me, that I'm not sure i can ever get over. Even if you end up in a good spot with a good tour, it can change any second unless you know someone huge or have a vagina. Idk man. Seems like a hard 25 years. And my mentality is, what good is a pension at 50 if you lose sanity, happiness and relationships from 25-50 to get it.
  5. Pension and benefits if the court thing doesn't come thru. But doing something you hate that makes you miserable for 25 years doesn't sound like it'll bode we'll for the psyche or emotional state either.
  6. I go in at 1930, so it'll be under 70 at that point by a few degrees. Plus everyone at roll call will be wearing a jacket lol. Sucks. Fwiw, I'm still undecided about quitting.
  7. I take solace in knowing Phil is unhappy with today's weather. Granted, I'll be sweating later while wearing a bullet proof vest, long sleeves and a jacket, but knowing Phil is uncomfortable makes it worth it.
  8. I was tinkering that night. The recommended time away is one night. In that you get the procedure done on Monday at noon, lay low, get a good nights sleep and get back into the normal swing of things by Tuesday.
  9. Process isn't scary at all. I'd liken it to getting a cavity filled, except it takes less time. The recovery process kind of sucks, as you're constantly putting drops in your eyes. But I must say, sleeping at my gf's house and not having to run to Duane reade or back home bc I need a contact case and solution is amazing, as well as seeing the aforementioned clock lol.
  10. I just got LASIK Monday. Crazy feeling to wake up and actually be able to see with out any form of corrective lenses.
  11. I haven't watched wrasstlin' in like 2 years lol. Is hogan still fucking up TNA?
  12. I haven't watched wrasstlin' in like 2 years lol. Is hogan still fucking up TNA?
  13. You're right.We don't all make 100+k for writing traffic infractions and breaking up unruly teenage house parties, bro. lol
  14. Who under the age of 75 sits by and watches out the window? Fuck dude, you're getting old.
  15. Life is hard, lol. I broke up with a girl I dated for 7.5 years last may. I never got over her, but recently started dating another girl who is outstanding who had ex bf issues of her own. We ultimately decided to roll it back bc we had unresolved feelings for our respective exes, but now I miss her more than I do the girl I dated for an eternity. The fuck is wrong with me? lol
  16. Last week I was standing on a foot post in 9 degree weather by myself for 14 hours bc my job sucks. While slipping into madness, I thought about how much Phil loves the cold and would always WISH for arctic temps. Koch, my boy... Next time I see you, I'm punching you square in the neck, lol
  17. You don't have any family that can temporarily fill in? I know your mother in law won't, but no nieces, cousins, etc?
  18. Admin sick or regular sick? lol Feel better bro!
  19. Yeah, I couldnt go to the Hoboken show bc it was a Wednesday night. I didn't have the option of taking off work =(
  20. You must be rail thin. Because I lost weight and am pretty lean/defined now (from mandated 3 hours of working out a day and proper diet lol) and I weight 158-161 (depending on time of day and meals,etc). But I'm only 5'7.5. you're 6 foot and only weight 10lbs more?
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