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Everything posted by Niko

  1. And Mike, for the guy who talks all kind of shit about how everything I do is feminen, you're going to a Mani/Pedi place, lol. Talk to your construction crew next week over coffee about how nice your pedicure was and see how well it goes over lol.
  2. You live in the bumblefuck area of Brooklyn. Pete and I live in civilization. You live between industrial non-sense, ghettos, hipsters and a hardcore Jewish community. The fact that like 2 trains go to you, and it's like the G and L is quite telling. They're like the least accessible trains in NYC lol.
  3. Youre getting divorced? I'm sorry Robin, hope everything works out the way you'd like it to.:(
  4. I go fishing all the time hand gut hshit, cut the heads off of things, bait hooks, etc. lol. I also helped a buddy of mine knock down a 40 year old shed and build a new one last summer. Just because I don't carry around a pocket knife or wear camo cut off rangers jerseys doesn't mean I'm incompetent or unable to perform menial tasks. I'd just prefer to pay guys like Pete to do it for me :wink:
  5. isn't it 3 hours now?
  6. Phil strikes me as the type of guy who roughs it with all these survival tools and wears camo while cutting shit up with his various knives but than stops to pull out a laptop with his G4 card to get internet access in the middle of the boon docks and sips like almond milk or soy milk from an eco friendly thermos or some shit...
  7. Some of the most lady like men I've ever known have made careers of nailing the hottest girls imaginable. Just sayin'...
  8. In all fairness, and all kidding a side. you've been in a ton of accidents and some of them serious. Serious enough to require civil cases, etc. You should be thankful you're not paying thru the nose. You're an insurance companies worst nightmare.
  9. I've had ALL of them. Geico so far has been the cheapest by a country mile.
  10. Lesnar is a bitch. His abrupt end to his UFC career proves it. He can only beat up on someone when they're smaller than he is. Antime he got in there with someone of equal size or bigger, he was literally bitched out. Let him go back to WWE and pretend to fight, it's where a guy like him belongs. Except he doesn't have the personality of the Rock or any other mainsteam guy lol.
  11. Lesnar is a bitch. His abrupt end to his UFC career proves it. He can only beat up on someone when they're smaller than he is. Antime he got in there with someone of equal size or bigger, he was literally bitched out. Let him go back to WWE and pretend to fight, it's where a guy like him belongs. Except he doesn't have the personality of the Rock or any other mainsteam guy lol.
  12. Put some hot sauce on my burrito baby... you know it tastes good to me.
  13. is it because Watkins from accounting is already Tbone?
  14. Just ordered a t-bone for lunch. Tbone for lunch. I'm just a tbone kind of guy. I can't get enough of that T- BONE! In fact, you might as well call me...
  15. is the tsn.ca live stream not working for anyone else?
  16. I was smashed drunk dancing with Russian hotties, Max was probably licking himself. At the end of the day, same result. Hence, Max=Me.
  17. I can't find the link on Youtube, but it was hysterical. Dr. Nick says he should rub all food on a brown paper bag. If it turns clear from grease, it's good to eat. Says he should brush his teeth with milk shakes, replace water with soda, etc.
  18. bro, just go on the homer simpson diet that he went on when he was trying to gain weight to collect disability.
  19. I weighed myself for the first time in months a few days back. I weighed 164.8. People look at me and don't believe I'm that heavy. I'd like to be between 155 and 160 and just be very toned.
  20. I'm starting to get stomach definition for the first time in years. Getting on the ice 3 or more times a week, running a few full court games of bball a week and eating right is paying off. Everytime I want to eat something super fatty or sugary, I give myself a feel around the stomach area and think about how close I am. Nothing tastes as good as looking good feels lol. That being said, I had unsweetened oatmeal with fresh fruit for breakfast, a plum as a snack and am probably going out for grilled chicken for lunch. Sunday is might cheat day. I had eggs with whole wheat toast and chicken park for meals yesterday. I snacked on some oreos and ate some fresh fruit. Even my cheats aren't TERRIBLE.
  21. Nah, I'll be 25 soon. I'm your senior. Respect me! RESPECT ME DAMN IT! lol Man, fuck me. I'll be 25 in a few weeks. That fuckin' sucks, lol.
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