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Scott last won the day on March 21

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About Scott

  • Birthday 01/27/1964


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    Seaside Park NJ

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  1. Dominquez should hit better over time although hitting below .200 so far is brutal to go along with the already handful that don't hit much. Between he and Verdugo it's somewhat of a black hole out there. Not sure about tracking fly balls in the outfield, he misplayed the one in CF so badly he over ran the ball by 10-15 ft, the very next day he drops a routine fly ball he's gotta catch. Just looked like a beer leaguer out there. I think they only go as far a Judge and Soto carry them. Smells a little familiar with potentially struggling to score runs in the playoffs when the pitching gets tougher. It would take a lot of the streaky guys to come through a whole lot more often, because Soto and Judge will be pitched around every chance the opposing team gets. Stanton maybe a wildcard but betting on his is a tough one.
  2. Nice to see them clinch last night, just the first step for sure. Holmes is still garbage and Dominguez is dreadful borderline clueless in the field. Can't see him playing too much especially in key situations in the playoffs. Gleyber and Rizzo have been better lately hopefully they can keep it up. Long long way to go hopefully things work out. I do think there's some glaring gaps to overcome.
  3. Sounds like we definitely won the Off-Season Cup!
  4. I wouldn't elevate Chytil to break up the most productive line they have (Tro, Panarin and Laf). Unless Chytil has learned how to play center at a high level over the off season. I doubt he has and there's always that issue of having to prove he can stay healthy when somebody else in the building sneezes. After all these years I think there's even more questions about Chytil than there has been in the past when it comes to what he can be counted on for this season. Fingers crossed but certainly wouldn't bet on it.
  5. Didn't say anywhere there should be sympathy, so I'll be more clear about what my thought is, it's pretty basic though. He shouldn't entertain any kind of major haircut in his prime when nothing is guaranteed going forward, including his health. I wasn't the one who brought up showing the deal to Igor (the comment was probably made in jest). My point being it's apples and oranges. He's has the right to do whatever he sees best for him and his family. He's earned the right to do all he can to cash in, if the team can't or doesn't want to pay it, they have to get something for him imo. Riding it out and letting him walk would be a terrible idea again just imo.
  6. I'm thinking when you show Igor that and he then sees: His #'s Contracts | Career Earnings: $16,762,043 Then Sid's Contracts | Career Earnings: $144,057,530 Not sure Igor will have a lot of sympathy to take a contract significantly less than what he could most likely get on the open market. It's really bad situation, I just don't see how they could seriously even consider riding it out and letting him walk at the end of the season for nothing. You've gotta either commit and sign him or move him for something imo.
  7. Couldn't disagree more, as little as 3 and at the most 10 years in is an insult to those families who are now without their father, brother husbands etc. Sure nothing will bring them back but make this guy feel the pain of sitting and staring at being confined everyday for as long as possible.
  8. Great, he can make those speeches within the jail or in a scared straight scenario. I believe in rehabilitation but not for those who because of their recklessness killed two very innocent people regardless or whether or not they're nhl'ers. At twenty years max even if he served all of them he's getting off easy.
  9. Looking forward to your review afterwards.
  10. Just a warning to grab some tissues before you read about how these scumbags would be inconvenienced by having to appear in court. Can't wait for the mandatory appearances to come around after the preliminary ones which they've been excused from having to attend in person. Hockey Canada accused cited new contracts abroad, training and construction work as reasons for skipping pretrial hearings
  11. This guy whoever he is has a lot left in the tank at 29 years old, looks like he's been saving it since being drafted over a decade ago. #1stRounderWhenItComesToBeing Released #AnotherGemLW #HardfordFodder
  12. The fact that 20 years seems to be the absolute max here, assuming they run consecutively is horrifying to me. Probably decent odds he doesn't the the max (10x2) which makes it even more sickening.
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