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CBrowningPI last won the day on July 11 2021

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About CBrowningPI

  • Birthday 11/16/1966


  • Location
    Clearwater, FL


  • Interests
    NYR Hockey, Guns, Painting oil/acrylic


  • Occupation
    Private Investigator and Bricklayer

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BSBH Champion (12/14)

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  1. Agree with all aforementioned above. How about a 6'5, 220 lb., young defenseman in Ryan Graves? The kid led the league for awhile in +/- in Colorado. I forgot what we got for him, if anything. I think he's 2nd pair on Pitts.
  2. Laffy looks like a different player this year. His confidence with the puck and carrying it into the O zone, instead of dumping it in, has been really impressive. And that he's doing this on his off side makes it all the more impressive. I'm stoked for him and all Ranger fans that we got to witness him pull it all together. That Detroit game was one of his best. Ripping on him the last couple of years really produced some of the most comical posts but I'm sure we'd all like him to keep it up and keep improving.
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