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Pro Wrasslin' — WWE, AEW, NJPW, Impact Wrestling & Beyond


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Kind of odd that they'd have Taker put Reigns over in what appears to be Taker's last match. Especially after all the effort they put into promoting Brock Lesnar as the only one to conquer the streak. Reigns definitely doesn't deserve to be put over like that imo. His future in the company seems rocky at best. At least let the legend go out with a win.
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Reigns should be heel,crowd gives him heat no matter what Vince tries to do

I do like Reigns,he's a good ring worker and has put on some good matches


I bet The Demon returns tonight and possibly Angle


Exactly, they boo him regardless so use that in his favor, turn him heal, need more heals anyway. Maybe have him become HHH new guy to go after Rollins




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Tommy End has me wanting to watch NXT. Nakamura (and Styles, if I'm reading correctly) to Smackdown has me wanting to watch Smackdown.


They had an incredible match in New Japan a few years ago. I'd imagine nothing short of the same with WWE.


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Probably not. Just a few key attractions. The rosters are still filled with people I deeply loathe and/or have no desire to see wrestling. Miz, Reigns, Usos, Ambrose, the two bearded guys not named Bray from the Wyatts, etc.


The guys I'm interested in are the ones from ROH and Japan who are stars WWE should be putting the company behind — Devitt (Balor), Bobby Roode, Tommy End (Aleister Crowley), Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, etc.


They've done a great job with others, from what I've read. Guys like Rollins (formerly Tyler Black), AJ Styles, Kevin Owens, and Cesaro.

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Enzo Amore is great, too. Stupid fucking name, but incredibly entertaining. Reminds me a lot of a young Chris Jericho.


Can't wrestle though but he is amazing on the mic.

Nakamura is a stud,if they keep AJ on smackdown they could have more epic matches.

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I don't really care that he can't wrestle. Neither can Cena. Not well. Not the way great wrestlers like Angle, Styles, and others can. That doesn't stop him from selling a thousand t-shirts a day.


Amore has the voice of a superstar. That can carry you a long, long way.

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I don't really care that he can't wrestle. Neither can Cena. Not well. Not the way great wrestlers like Angle, Styles, and others can. That doesn't stop him from selling a thousand t-shirts a day.


Amore has the voice of a superstar. That can carry you a long, long way.


I mean can't wrestle at all,painfully bad,takes and sells bumps like a champ though.

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All this talk about pure wrestling abilities got me thinking, how do you rate Shane McMahon's inring abilities Phil? I'm not sure if you've seen some of his recent PPV matches but the guy still continues to put his body on the line like no other.
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I had started watching WWE for the first time in a long while, a month or so before WrestleMania.


I was tuning in just to watch Braun Strowman. I loved it. Was excited to see Samoa Joe as well. But the push of Roman Reigns is disgusting. How can they push this guy? I mean he botched a tombstone pile-driver on the Taker at WrestleMania, and nobody said a damn thing about it. He tried like 3 times, and he still couldn't lift him up.


I just don't get why they are hitching their wagon to a guy who is limited talent wise, sucks on the mic, AND is not liked by the fans. A fucking Superman punch? Spears? Garbage.


I thought Strowman out classed him all around and the fuckin guy is really new to all of it. Give me anybody but this Reigns character. It's boring, it's lame, it's shit. I've cut back down on my viewing since Braun supposedly hurt his elbow.

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