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The Ghost of Foley's – General Chat


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I got my first career high school at bat today. Got low into my stance, using my small size to my advantage and I took a curveball straight to the thigh. I officially have a perfect on base percentage. I also faced just one pitch. Feels good.


Fell asleep just reading this once I got to "at bat".

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I just watched a documentary about the Norwegian terrorist acts on July 22nd 2011 by ultra-nationalist Anders Breivik and it's the most haunting, devastating and emotional documentary I've ever watched. Teenagers who survived by playing dead while being drenched in their best friends blood. The absolute horror of the event is shocking, and the way he presents himself in court is even worse. He smiles, smirks and performs ultra right wing salutes at survivors all while saying he is guilty of the acts, but should be set free for warning Europe of what left wing politics and multiculturalism will do to our society. An absolute nut and for the first time in my life I am tempted to say... maybe, maybe some people deserve capital punishment after all.


I need to play a funny video game. Wish the Rangers were playing.

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Is that the incident where people ran to the water and some got saved by a boat taking them to safety?


Yeah, this guy blew up a government building in downtown Oslo killing several people and turning all attention to the city, than drove to a small island outside of town where teenagers were holding a member rally for the social-democratic party of Norway. He presented himself as a policeman coming to inform them about the attack in Oslo, but as soon as he was on the island he pulled out weapons and hunted down and killed like 70 teenagers. More people died than survived and by the time the real police arrived, he just turned himself in and said he was surprised they didn't shoot him... they should have.


It's one of the scariest and most sickening acts by one human ever. McVeigh in Oklahoma was horrible and killed more people, but imagine running away from a lone gun man with machine guns and than realizing you are on a small island surrounded by ice cold water.


Here's more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Norway_attacks


He is on trial now and Norwegian law has no death penalty (no one in EU has that) and technically the maximum punishment is 21 years, so they are now trying to find ways around that. Obviously.

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I can't believe there is a maximum punishment of 21 years. That's absolutely crazy. Hope they find loophole or pass new legislation or something.. this guy can not be allowed out, ever.


People suggested they should let him walk on the spot... right past the parents of victims. :)


I am sure they'll find a loop hole. The thing is the maximum here is often 21 or 30 years, but we have mental prisons for people with issues, so if a doctor says it's not safe for them to ever return into society, they can keep them there and that's not technically a prison.

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