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Elvis - Movie

The Dude

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Thought it was a pile of crap. Good acting ruined by seizure enducing slop of fast paced, bad story telling annoyance.


Nevermind the soundtrack of rap/r&b/whatever remixes of Elvis tunes intertwined into the time period. That drives me nuts when the soundtrack has modern music set to a story set in the past. 


Such a wild and interesting life story and this is what they came away with? 



Edited by The Dude
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  • The Dude changed the title to Elvis- Movie

I didn't watch it, but I read the reviews.


The thing is, the stories been done so many times, you can't just keep doing it the way it's always been done... So I appreciate them trying to put some spin on it.


I have a flight next week and I'll probably try and catch this just to see for myself. 

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  • Phil changed the title to Elvis - Movie
12 hours ago, The Dude said:

Thought it was a pile of crap. Good acting ruined by seizure enducing slop of faced paced, bad story telling annoyance.


Nevermind the soundtrack of rap/r&b/whatever remixes of Elvis tunes intertwined into the time period. That drives me nuts when the soundtrack has modern music set to a story set in the past. 


Such a wild and interesting life story and this is what they came away with? 



Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I didn't totally hate it, but it was incoherent a lot of times and yeah, the pacing was terrible. I thought the actor who played Elvis did a good enough job, but it's very overrated overall.

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9 hours ago, siddious said:

I only saw the preview but something about the guy playing Elvis rubbed me the wrong way. I’ll probably watch this eventually.


hate modern music in time pieces as well but I’ll give it a try either way. 

I thought the guy did pretty good.



Definitely heavy on the make up and he was sad and cunty through out, which was annoying and part of why i didn't like it. They also didn't fatten him up for the fat elvis years .. Had the look and the moves though and didn't overdue it. 


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