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It was a show that started in 2016 on USA Network, ran three seasons, ended in 2018.  I just finished it on Netflix today.  Wow I was hooked.  I started it around the time Ozark dropped and it was pissing me off that my wife kept falling asleep.  So I started watching this.  I got so into this that I started getting pissed she was taking longer to fall asleep and had to watch Ozark instead of this lol.  Wasn't the ending I was expecting though.  I think it was supposed to have a 4th season but ended up getting canceled?  I'm going to look it up after I post this.  


It was supposed to be set in the present day Los Angeles.  An alien invasion happens and they set up walls around the city.  Humans were then split into different categories and forced to live basically under Marshall Law.  Don't wanna give too much away but I highly recommend it to be added to your lists.


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