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That team needed a new goalie, a new coach, and a new culture. Hopefully this move at least partially suffices #s 2 and 3. It's a lost season anyway, so time to just build a culture and implement a system, and try to salvage whatever's left for 2021.
This had to happen and amazing how bad they have gotten and they look so much different than the team the Rangers faced at the end of January what happened ? Is it Eichel, Skinner and Hall looking like shit?
This team hasn't had a real goalie since Miller was in his prime. That's probably about a decade already.


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This team has played the most uninspired hockey since Eichel got there. Everything else has changed and they still play the same uninspired hockey, including the multiple GMs and coaches, the entire roster except Reinhart and Ristoleinen.


Buffalo should move Eichel, but not for stars, They need hard working players. They're most success seasons came with a bunch of 'nobodies' that were hard workers.

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