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perfect, outside the box marketing opportunity for the NHL that they'll inevitably just shut down.


But it's ok because GooGoo Dolls and Kid Rock are playing the intermission show at the all-star game so all is well



In all seriousness, I can't imagine San Jose wants him risking injury in a boxing ring.

He just signed a seven-year deal in 2018 worth $49 million dollars, guaranteed. Of course they're going to shut it down. If he wants to retire to fight a YouTube star, by all means, otherwise, enjoy the internet buzz, but don't expect anything to actaully happen here.
Kane is bigger, taller, and better trained. His dad was a former amateur boxer who, as I understand it, trained Evander (who was named after Evander Holyfield) from an early age. Kane would kill Paul.
To me it's a huge who cares what this guy wants and it brings zero value to the NHL. Kind of pissed at myself for even acknowledging it and wasting the 39 seconds responding.

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