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DIRECTV Wants Your Money, Now


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I got an email from Directv stating that they are going to automatically renew NHL Center Ice Packages based on a full 82 game schedule and start charging now, not in January or whenever the season starts. Never mind that there is uncertainty whether there will be a season at all, when it will start, and if there is a season, it will almost certainly not be a full one. They will refund if there is no season. Great. Just give us your money now, well in advance.


Usually, you don't get hit with a bill until the actual season starts, in October.


I cancelled.

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  • 1 month later...
So, I'm just going to piggyback my last post instead of starting a whole new thread. A couple of months ago I canceled Center Ice through DirecTV with the intention of subscribing to NHL TV through my Roku. Does anyone know when new subscribers can officially sign up? Is it not until the day the season starts? I went on the website earlier to sign up, and the only option is a $9.99 monthly charge to watch games and whatnot from this past season. I'm sure pre-existing subscribers get auto renewed, but I was just wondering when new ones are able to sign up.
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