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Tony DeAngelo to Host "Watch Your Tone" Lifestyle & Hockey Podcast


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Saying he trolls his own fanbase is just not factual. Who he trolls has nothing to do with what hockey team anyone roots for. He trolls liberals. For that I'll always be a fan.


They can hate him back if they'd like but their opinion is clearly not based on him as a hockey player. Not wanting a good player on the team you root for due to his political affiliation is, in my opinion, stupid and selfish. The guys in the locker room that actually pull the sweater on sure don't seem to mind having him on the team or care which politician the guy votes for.

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So we hate DeAngelo now?


Apparently if u care about your country these days yes. I for one am happy we have a guy who will say this.

Following last week's NHL Draft, Gorton told reporters they were having internal discussions "about our right side and who is the best person to move over (to the left)."


He specifically mentioned DeAngelo and fellow right-handed defenseman Adam Fox as possibilities, with DeAngelo telling the USA TODAY Network on Tuesday that he's all for it if the Rangers believe it's in their best interest.


"I don't care who I play with, or which side I play," he said. "I just want to have the best team possible."


But apparently, if he posts things on Twitter people don’t agree with, they can troll him but he’s not supposed to react. Something tells me though this is a bit biased but I digress....


I don’t give a shit. He’s a fantastic 25 year old Ranger imo.

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In all seriousness, did ADA do that once or was it a common thing? When did he do it anyway? Seems to me he’s a young man that tweets his actual thoughts, gets attacked for thoughts, and is a bit too immature to let it go and instead responds.
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In all seriousness, did ADA do that once or was it a common thing? When did he do it anyway? Seems to me he?s a young man that tweets his actual thoughts, gets attacked for thoughts, and is a bit too immature to let it go and instead responds.


Once afaik. This blog post is incredibly long. I didn't read most of it. I just scrolled to the relevant part.




As mentioned repeatedly on this blog and on past blogs, there?s a large group of Ranger fans that will smack-talk TDA 24/7. I?m not going to run down all of this again, as all you have to do is type ?Tony DeAngelo? into the search box on Twitter and you will be subjected to all of this gross and disgusting made-up shit about TDA.


One loony liberal, a liberal that has been going after DeAngelo since day one, even challenging TDA to fights prior to this, calling him every -ist in the book, going after his family and saying all other types of deranged stuff about DeAngelo, finally got his wish ? DeAngelo took the bait. Even worse, this ?Lou-natic?, prior to this incident and even after this incident, was bragging to anyone who would listen, how he was trying to bait DeAngelo and get him canceled. I hate to say it, but in this round, the troll won, as he got TDA to sell for this garbage.


I hate to give this story any type of burn at all, but it?s a story and you can?t ignore it, even if the person goading DeAngelo went into this with the intention of taking DeAngelo down. It?s just up to DeAngelo to ignore this crap.


Included snapshot of Tweet scuffle:



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Put it this way, if ADA was a raving liberal who did nothing but retweet Bernie and AOC all day...And a Republican fan trolled him for it...And he invited that fan to a fight...I would still say he was an immature asshole.


And furthermore, being an immature asshole would have no bearing on if I actually wanted him on the team. I don't want to trade ADA. But you simply can't pay ADA, Trouba, and Fox...with Lindqvist coming. So decisions will be made and the most likely to go is ADA. I'd actually trade Trouba first and have been vocal about that, so that should put to rest any "you just want to trade ADA because of his politcs" stuff LOL.

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Once afaik. This blog post is incredibly long. I didn't read most of it. I just scrolled to the relevant part.






Included snapshot of Tweet scuffle:




Don't have a twitter account. It's a digital sewer, no matter what your politics; faux outrage, banal nonsense, juvenile stupidity. Pretty much everything bad about the internet distilled into 140 characters,5th graders ranking on each other about their moms for grownups. Would advise anyone to dump it. DeAngelo gains nothing arguing with people there, nor talking to people who may agree with him.

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That’s the big uproar here? From that? A twitter fight with some troll Lou that has his own account banned? I thought there was a lot more the way it was described.


Agreed ADA should be smarter but if that’s it besides posting his open opinions then I don’t see what the big deal is.

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Character matters. Thanks Jacob for taking a discount. Oh wait.


What's this even mean? Why should he have taken a discount? Gorton should have played hardball with an RFA. Also, weren't you just talking about not confusing politics with play on the ice?


I don't think you're being fair here.

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What's this even mean? Why should he have taken a discount? Gorton should have played hardball with an RFA. Also, weren't you just talking about not confusing politics with play on the ice?


I don't think you're being fair here.


My comment had nothing to do with politics or ADA. It was a poke at Trouba in jest because everyone and their mother knew he only was going to play for the Rangers and took top dollar. Really wasn’t meant to be too serious. Rangers gave him the money so it’s mostly on them anyway but we’ve had the Drury conversation in the past that a player better only take the money if he can perform at the level of his pay (argument for another day) or face a little criticism.

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