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Svechnikov Did it Again


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In 2001.


> touche.gif


But really, Kakko will probably be fine. He's never going to be a good skater, but he can probably get a little better and just make whatever other adjustments are needed that'll come with experience and age and still be a good player overall.

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> touche.gif


But really, Kakko will probably be fine. He's never going to be a good skater, but he can probably get a little better and just make whatever other adjustments are needed that'll come with experience and age and still be a good player overall.


I actually think his edges are ok. It's his stride that's horrible along with lack of explosion. I do think that can improve with a good skating coach.


On an unrelated note, that guy Kase in Anaheim has one of the best strides I've seen.

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Kakko is not a bad skater IMO. He lacks the first step and explosion much like Andersson did. Andersson's burst looked so much better this year. The difference is Kakko has the offensive talent and mind for the game, where adding that explosiveness will really propel him forward. He's going to be a great player for a long time if he puts in a lot of work during the offseason. He has to want to be great, and push himself. With the right training programs I have no doubt he can really bust out next season.
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