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Kerry Fraser Diagnosed with Incurable Leukemia


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Former National Hockey League official Kerry Fraser announced on Friday that he has been diagnosed with essential thrombocythemia, a chronic blood disorder and an incurable form of cancer.


Fraser said he learned of the diagnosis 10 days ago and announced it on NHL.com as the league starts its November Hockey Fights Cancer campaign for the 20th straight year.


"I consider myself blessed that this rare disease was diagnosed before I had a stroke or heart attack," he wrote. "At 65, I was planning on living a healthy, full life for many more years.


Now that I know I have this disease I can take extra precautions to keep my blood thinner and hopefully prevent a blood clot from hitting my heart or brain. My family gives me strength and a good reason to prioritize my goals in life."



The way he talks about it, it seems he can live a normal life, no? I hear "incurable" and "cancer" in the same sentence and it comes across as terminal, but I'm not reading it that way. Am I not reading it correctly ?


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