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Ilya Kovalchuk Wants to Return to NHL


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I'd take him back for 3m per but I know that won't happen so I don't want him back.


He's a solid 2 way winger, but he hasn't been a scorer that's merited more than that. Looks a lot like Ryan Callahan's contract situation; he isn't seeing the big numbers ever again. And while he's affable guy, figure CBJ, NYR and BB know him very well and aren't writing any check nearly close to what he thinks he is worth.

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Ilya Kovalchuk has not eliminated the Rangers from his list, but we?re told that the dynamic free agent winger would only come to Broadway if the Blueshirts acquire a player or two who would vault the club into contending status. In other words, probably not.





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If we can get good, young, quality players then I dont see a problem here. But I dont want Kovy bad enough to accept a bad trade/signing by Gorton in order for it to happen. Think long term here please (everything indicates that Gorton is but still..)
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