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Filter Releases New Song, New Record Out Now


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Album is awesome. Fully recommend to any old Filter fans. Very old school approach to the record. This is just a straight up rock and roll album. :m:


Awesome is an overstatement. Its okay. Feels like I'd listen to it once or twice and not look back. No song they release will come close to "Hey man, nice shot"....now that song was/is awesome.

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Obviously, but I don't buy into arguments like that. That like saying "no Metallica song will ever compare to 'Master of Puppets'" — um, duh, but why should that preclude the band from continuing to record songs/records? Everyone has their peak, and for Filter 'Short Bus' was undoubtedly their best record, but this one is a throwback and reminds me a ton of 'Short Bus' in the first place.


Awesome might be an overstatement for you, but it isn't for me. I'll definitely be rocking this one all summer, same with the new Alice in Chains.

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First, Metallica and Filter shouldnt be in the same conversation. Yes, they both make music but thats about as far as a discussion can go involving the two. Metallica came out with jam after jam after jam for about 10 years straight, '83-'93....then they hit a wall.


Secondly, Alice in Chains isnt really Alice in Chains without loads of heroin and Layne Staley. Just like Sublime isnt Sublime without Bradley Noel.


That rhymed.


Yes, its awesome that Filter still has a desire to make music but the cd itself isnt really awesome by any stretch. Sorry, brah. I'd like to agree with you b/c you seem to have decent taste in music but awesome is strrrrretching it. Filter has released a few solid tracks, everything else they've done is just meh. Kinda like this album.


To each his own, right? No hard feelings. :)

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That's fine, dude. I think it's great. Total throwback to the Short Bus era. This'll be spinning in my collection all summer, right along side The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here and Hesitation Marks. :)
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That's fine, dude. I think it's great. Total throwback to the Short Bus era. This'll be spinning in my collection all summer, right along side The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here and Hesitation Marks. :)


Daft Punk album is pretty awesome. Hear that yet??? Jamiroquai is gonna come back in a big fucking way, I can smell it.

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The more I listen, the more I love it.


Favorite tracks, far and away — "We Hate It When You Get What You Want" (which should have been the first single) and "Take That Knife Out of My Back".


"We Hate It..." is the type of song I can hear on a dozen different major motion picture soundtracks with ease.

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