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Trent Reznor Has Finished A "F*cking Great" Nine Inch Nails Album


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Late yesterday Trent Reznor announced that he's been "less than honest" with us about what he's been working on, and has in fact secretly recorded an entirely new full-length Nine Inch Nails album, which he has deemed to be "fucking great." Reznor told Fact:


"I've been less than honest about what I?ve really been up to lately. For the last year I?ve been secretly working non-stop with Atticus Ross and Alan Moulder on a new, full-length Nine Inch Nails record, which I am happy to say is finished and frankly fucking great. This is the real impetus and motivation behind the decision to assemble a new band and tour again. My forays into film, HTDA and other projects really stimulated me creatively and I decided to focus that energy on taking Nine Inch Nails to a new place. Here we go!"


This isn't entirely surprising since earlier this year he announced that the band (with a new lineup) would return for a tour, but it's very exciting nonetheless.




No words. Just awesome. Fucking awesome, in fact.

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