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2013 Predictions


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I'm sure no one guessed a Korean Rapper would be the biggest youtube sensation. So, let's hear it. What are your predictions of worldy events for 2013?






- Turtlenecks will make a comeback

- Miro Satan won't

- Richard Simmons dies

- koosh makes a new product that makes them popular again

- 32 peanut butter factories are cited for salmonella outbreaks

- Turtlenecks will make a comeback

- Miro Satan won't

- Richard Simmons dies

- koosh makes a new product that makes them popular again

- 32 peanut butter factories are cited for salmonella outbreaks


That's funny, I saw someone wearing a turtleneck yesterday and said to myself "Who the fuck wears turtlenecks nowadays?" Good call sir, good call.


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