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What Games Do You Play?


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I totally do half of these, at least.


I never imagined a running guy next to the car, instead always a guy on a super fast dirt bike (yes, I'm a redneck).

When I was a kid, if I was riding my bike home at night by myself, I used to pretend that if I didn't ride home as fast as possible a robber would catch me.
As an adult, my favorite game to play is if I'm running around the neighborhood at night, I run home as fast as I can before Harris can find me.
When I was a kid, if I was riding my bike home at night by myself, I used to pretend that if I didn't ride home as fast as possible a robber would catch me.


Same. Or I'd pretend a bomb was going off and that I had 30 seconds to hit my driveway to be safe.

who here races rain drops on their car windows when it rains?


If what you mean is see if any stream can hit the windshield and make it out of the range of the wiper itself before it swipes them away, ABSOLUTELY.


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