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Sexual Assault Victim Could Face Jail Time


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Good Old US of A


17-year-old sexual assault victim could face charges for tweeting names of attackers




A Kentucky girl who was sexually assaulted could face contempt of court charges after she tweeted the names of her juvenile attackers.


Savannah Dietrich, the 17-year-old victim, was frustrated by a plea deal reached late last month by the two boys who assaulted her, and took to Twitter to expose them--violating a court order to keep their names confidential.


"There you go, lock me up," Dietrich tweeted after naming the perpetrators. "I'm not protecting anyone that made my life a living Hell." Her Twitter account has since been closed


Dietrich was assaulted by the pair after passing out at a party. They later shared photos of the assault with friends.

Interesting post by a person -

How is this for a coincidence? If you go to the webpage for the Bluegrass Bats, the lacrosse team the rapists play on ( http://www.bluegrassbats.com ), go to the donor page. One of the financial supporters of this team is the (Kentucky) Department of Juvenile Justice. If you go to THEIR webpage, and look at the “Grants” section, it lists the names of the Grants Management Group (GMG) personnel. One of them is Laura McCoun McCauley, apparently supporting her son’s team with State funds. Go back to the Bluegrass Bats website and look at the names of the players. Low and behold, there is Ryan McCauley! He is a defenseman and also attends Trinity, just like the 2 rapists! So is there ANY POSSIBLE tie between the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice financially supporting this team AND being involved with the Juvenile court system AND these rapists getting a slap on the wrist. VERY STRANGE!!!



One question, isn't it illegal for the press to announce the name of a sexual assault or rape victim who is a minor/ Wasn't sure.


Either way this whole thing is non sense.

One question, isn't it illegal for the press to announce the name of a sexual assault or rape victim who is a minor/ Wasn't sure.


Either way this whole thing is non sense.


It's kind of tricky. There are rape shield laws, to be sure. However, she outed herself on this and then committed a "crime" herself.


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