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Phil, sorry to hijack you're thread, but the real debate should be: Saved by the Bell Indiana (with Mrs. Bliss) or Saved by the Bell (LA)...HOW DID THEY MAGICALLY TRANSPORT ACK, LISA, SCREECH AND MR. BELDING TO LA??!?!??!?!??!
Saved by the Bell is easily the single most overrated show of my generation.


Wait, you may be right.


Actually no, you're not.

Phil, sorry to hijack you're thread, but the real debate should be: Saved by the Bell Indiana (with Mrs. Bliss) or Saved by the Bell (LA)...HOW DID THEY MAGICALLY TRANSPORT ACK, LISA, SCREECH AND MR. BELDING TO LA??!?!??!?!??!




Ever see the clips from Jimmy Fallon when he tried to reunite the cast?


Zack pokes fun at that in the first interview.

I loved Saved By The Bell. I didnt like the fist seasons with Nicki, but I loved the seasons when the regular cast was there. College Years was awesome as well. New Class sucked a mean one.


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