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Everything posted by mbob

  1. Shesty doing Street Fighter arcade acrobatics tonight. Nice save
  2. Saw them on the headbangers ball tour at the Garden in 91, when Slayer was playing they had to stop the show cause people were tearing seat cushions off and tossing them around the crowd. It was nuts
  3. I’ve noticed it on other teams, weird I haven’t on ours. Is the league this desperate for a buck geesh.
  4. When did we start putting ads on the helmets. Have I been blind? goal! I missed it lol
  5. that’s what I said to use as a defense and at first glance its a good alibi but watch the replay enough and he’s totally sticking it out to make contact
  6. Laffy with a donut and assist on Bread's game winner.
  7. Elbow comes up so he can brace for the boards /s 3 games my guess.
  8. How quick is the league on misconduct suspension rulings? Will we have Rempe tomorrow?
  9. wasn’t a flashy deadline but we added legit needs and seem to complement the core. It’s showing on the ice so far.
  10. I get that, just recalling a game I couldn’t stand all the brotherly love over and over.
  11. Better than Jack and Luke Hughes, brothers, over and over I suppose.
  12. Could also been cause I videoed the replay to send to my wife who can’t watch it tonight, hit send and fkn called review
  13. What if I told you our 3rd line is our 2nd and our 2nd line is our first.
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