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mbob last won the day on April 5

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About mbob

  • Birthday 11/01/1974

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  1. Sam is on my Mount Rushmore announcer list, sad for this day even though I knew it was coming.
  2. My wife made me eat the last one out of the freezer tonight, I completely torched their existence out of my brain after the playoffs. Tastes damn good. To Laffy, great season for the kid and hopefully more lucky donuts hit the net and my stomach next season.
  3. Saw something on social media around Trouba to Buffalo brewing, probably click bate and came here to see if anything was posted.
  4. Maybe Detroit was bluffing us to delay any other Trouba cap relief before they locked in Kane so we weren’t players.
  5. Trouba moved out of town is the easiest way to re-roll the rest of the core with a new Captain (Trocheck my pick). Miller Schneider can lock that second pairing, Miller on the second PP, but I’d also be entertaining a 3rd pairing option that can fit well with Fox as I am concerned a Lindgren injury could occur at the worst time. I’m old school and prefer guys to stick together so if Lindy goes down I want to fill in without disrupting both my pairs. I do not want to see Gus back even though he was serviceable for most the season. Jones and to be determined is my 3rd pair.
  6. Talk about Memba-berries, Great Scott!
  7. At the time, I didn’t think Sam actually meant literally, “this one will last a lifetime”. I was expecting another by now.
  8. So who is going to be Drury’s and Lavi’s fall guy. Trouba may be the easiest to finger point, running back the rest of the core. Pick a new captain, trade third liners out and roll it back. I hope not and the GM knows better. If it was me, I talk to Laffy to get a deal done, part of the new contract I commit to which side wing he wants to play, and construct the roster so he plays his side on line 1 and pp1. If you’re not committed to that might as well package him up in a deal while the value is high.
  9. makes sense, something is holding him up.
  10. I’ve been defending Miller all season during games to my wife. She even came around to him during this playoffs. I think he has more upside to go and should be depended on for more offense pointing PP2. Miller and Schneider should be the staple second line D pairing next season. In addition to breaking up the CZ bromance trading one, it’s time to do the same with Fox/Lindy. Trouba gots to go, and we desperately need a big defensive partner for Fox. I’d take calls on him to be honest but not sure how we replace him. His decision making is too slow at times for a league leading defenseman and it shows more in the playoffs. Plus he mopes almost as much as Mika. If he had Trochecks heart and soul the dude would be an all time legend
  11. Drury is handcuffed with this core. Best we can do is tweak the forward group and make a shakeup on D.
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