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Everything posted by Zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuc

  1. Kravtsov plays 10 good games and dont get bumped in the lineup (before someone is injured). Howden plays one good period and its straight up. Quinn is a funny man
  2. I hope they lose 10-0 on saturday after this game Maybe that will get the mgmt to see that this coaching staff is not good just because they know how to beat the shit out of Flyers and Buffalo.
  3. 0-2 in horrible fashion against Islanders in the last two must win games. Not a good look. We have a winning record the last 20 games playing Buffalo/Devils/Flyers tho, so its all good
  4. Watch them score a goal and make it interesting, just for Matt Martin to score with 20 seconds left in the 2nd.
  5. Besides the 4th line and a couple Dmen there's nothing wrong with the team. They're young, but its not like they're getting pushed around. They're playing a team with a plan, while they're all just skating around for fun. And the Islanders players wants to win, most of the Rangers players dont look interested. Motivating players is also something a coach should be able to do.
  6. Why do I wake up to watch this shit Always the same against this trash team, fuck so annoying
  7. Did I just watch Komarov one time snipe that top corner? Man I hate Islanders and their untalented trash team.
  8. Varlamov with 2 SO in the Garden this season? Holy shit please score 10 tonight
  9. Why? If their role is the same (net front guy) why do we need a center? Chytil's not even better at faceoffs, so I dont really see a need to have him there over Kreids.
  10. I can go with that aswell, but I would have Kreider instead of Chytil on the 2nd unit. He knows the role and is good at it. I think he's better at faceoffs than Chytil too. Actually I like this one better than mine lol, I would love to see Lundkvist in that spot.
  11. You want your boy Ryan off the 1st unit? 4 forwards is the new standard and I think we've found a nice unit with Fox, Panarin, Ziba, Strome, Kreider. Could probably have a lefty in Strome's spot, but I dont think Miller is the right choice. I would give the spot to Buch, Kakko or Laf before him. I like Miller, but to me he's not a PP guy. He got a decent shot, but thats probably it. He doesn't create offense like Fox, he's not a smooth skater, he's not a good puck mover and his puck control is suspect at times (He fumbles the puck ALOT). Starting next season (If the team stays the same), I would go with: 1: Kreids Panarin Zib Buch Fox 2: Kakko Strome Kravtsov Lafreniere Jones/Lundkvist
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