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Posts posted by Aasjs

  1. Thanks to all once again.


    I think my mom and grandma have to make a decision by tomorrow. They might decide to pull the plug. He's on life support an it doesn't look like itll get better.


    His right lung is completely collapsed and the cancer is targeting his left now.


    Just an update



    FYI cigarettes are a bitch. Id do so much to promote not smoking after these experiences


    I'm sorry you and your family are going through this :(

  2. Congrats on the new job! My girlfriend works in the city as well. It's about a 50 minute commute for her. She says after a month or so you don't even notice it but it can be tiring.


    Thanks! It's a paid internship and orientation is in the city which is about a 40 min drive to the train station and about an hour and a half train ride to Grand Central. Luckily most of the time I will be working in different office in Sleepy Hollow.

  3. One of the worst days ever...my dog was really sick and had to go to the vet early this morning. We get him home at 9pm, and not even five minutes after we walk in the door, the phone rings and it's my aunt calling to say they had to take my uncle to the hospital. Ugh.


    Aw I hope Max is feeling better and your uncle is okay.

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