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Everything posted by 4_4

  1. oh hell yeah. they did an even better job portraying it in the show too.
  2. that was my favorite part. the sky cells were awesome. they are supposed to be sloped ever so slightly so prisoners feel like they are going to slide right off. plus any scenes with tyrion automatically win.
  3. completely disagree. you could tell something was up with them at the joust. there's no need to invent a whole scene. all you need is a look here and a smile there, and you can tell what is being implied. there are giving renly and theon greyjoy way too much screen time for the first book.
  4. nope. it's implied a bit in different spots in later books. there nothing mentioned in the first book that i can remember and it's never actually shown. all you have to do to figure out what's in the book and what's not is to think of the POV characters. if there's no point of view characters in a particular scene, it's not in the book.
  5. that didn't bother me as much. the tyrion shield smashing and the dagger through eye bothered me much more because they weren't in the book and clearly done to gore it up for the tv cameras.
  6. Agree 100%. That was a bit much. Also jamie doesn't fight ned or kill jory. He leaves and has his men do it
  7. we'll see how that goes from here on out ;) i loved episode 4. they got back to the book. episode 3 was 90% made up for the series which is why i didn't like it.
  8. this episode was the least faithful to the books. they invented a lot of that character interaction. i don't think it was a bad episode. i just didn't care for it as much. the next two are going to get things moving pretty quick from here on out. i haven't had any casting gripes either, but barristan selmy and syrio forel were disappointing. barristan was the older knight that was talking to jamie and the king.
  9. i thought it was ehhh. i don't like the guy they picked for syrio forel. he's supposed to be much more badass and less smiley. that's how i pictured him anyway. also, the lack of ghost in the story is really starting to annoy me. jon's wolf is with him at all times.
  10. i really liked episode 2. i will admit i had a hard time getting into the first chapter, but once i got to a certain point i was hooked. i'd like to say hang in there, but if you aren't intrigued by anything yet, it's probably not the series for you. TV shows shouldn't be work to watch. i bailed on boardwalk empire after the first 3 episodes.
  11. the way they are sticking to the book, i bet by the time they get 4 episodes in you'll forget to watch camelot.
  12. Ok, I meant "intercourse" scenes not sexual encounters
  13. lol do you have something against doggy style? they showed like 3 sexual encounters and two of them were with "dothraki savages." that's how they roll. i guess you could say it was boring. no fighting or murders yet. it's following the book pretty damn close though so i was happy about that. there's a lot to flesh out.
  14. i just saw another new HBO ad for it. less than a week away. looks like you and i will be the only ones watching it.
  15. I know there was some interest on the other board. the series starts the 17th, but HBO aired a preview before mildred pierce this past sunday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQykXOukM2Q i am psyched!
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