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quick release

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Posts posted by quick release

  1. im on my third rewind of that scene.


    your a bit of a talker....


    classic. brought me back to the clint eastwood spaghetti western where he goes on the rant about the bandido's laughing at his mule.


    Great reference.


    "See my mule don't like people laughing. He gets the crazy idea people are laughing at him. Now if you apologize like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it."

  2. It was a fantastic episode that absolutely sucked me back into the show like no other E01 to a series ever has. I was immediately enamored by Oberyn, I was moved as much by the Red Wedding as I was by Sansa's pain, Arya's murder in the inn was awesome beyond words, I loved the Lannisters falling apart among their own ranks.


    My only peeve would be zero explanation, not even something minor, as to Daario's odd change in appearance. If you are a fairly casual viewer, who doesn't care about the casting, you'd have no clue - given how little Daario was named in season three - that the bearded man flirting with Daenarys and the long-haired smooth talker from last season are the same character and the bearded man is his appearance moving forward.


    Very well casted though, Michiel Huisman is a fantastic actor and the subtle Dutch accent should work well for people who don't pick up on it being anything "a little different" from the British and American English of the other lead roles. It works with Melisandre and her Dutch tone too.


    For anyone who watched Treme, this is a terrible casting change. I think in general it's pretty bad. Completely different personalities. The blonde haired guy was a man maybe worthy of the love of the Mother of Dragons. Huisman is like a silly boy in comparison.

  3. It did NOT establish that Rick was a bad ass. The flashback showed a 'fatal flaw' in Rick's inability to make the right decisions to protect the group. Farmer Rick let the Gov attack the prison, then the "committee" saw Herschel get killed and Judith missing/killed. Wanderer Rick almost got Carl raped and killed. And, even 5 minutes before the end, we see Terminus Rick almost lose Carl, again, as he trusted those around him... again, and it almost got people killed, again.


    Bad ass Rick was "re-born" upon entering the storage bin... as we anticipate through the final line of the episode.


    The entire episode was him coming to the realization that this (the neck biting Rick) was the person he needs to be, at all times. So, essentially, this finale implies we are going to see neck-biting Rick, and only that Rick, during season 5.


    I think you're mixing up being badass with making good decisions. IDK if you're saying that Rick came to realization that he needs to be the neck-biting guy at that moment because obviously he fucked up by putting down all of their weapons.


    He's still in mid cycle of catching his mistakes after-the-fact. The finale only established that he has what it takes to be a badass again.. like I said. I mean kicking the shit out of people and getting the group out of bad situations, etc. It never establishes that he's going to make good decisions. Rick's flaw is that he lets his guard down. I don't think the last line speaks to that at all... it's just means Rick can get them OUT of this situation like he used to. It doesn't say anything about him not getting them INTO situations in the first place.

  4. You don't see it as an effective cliffhanger for next season?


    Umm sure I guess it does but my friend's Saturn is effective at getting him to and from work. Does that make it a good car? It's loud, smelly, uncomfortable, and the speakers make a hissing noise.


    That entire episode had already established that Rick is a badass again. Obviously they have to get out. We didn't need a cheesy string of lines to hammer it in. Less is more. And again it's not the line that even bugs me.. it's the way it set-up all dramatic. "The big reveal" that Rick is a badass (which they already established). Maybe it comes down to editing.. that setup and pause was way too long and it made it feel cheesy. If it had happened quicker, it would have felt more natural.


    For the record, I loved the scene where they killed Darryl's group.

  5. Post above yours implies otherwise.


    The line was fine. It's television. I don't know what "douchey" sounds like. That's an arbitrary term you are prescribing to a non-existent group of people as a straw man. To borrow from Jimmy, your post reads as "stop liking what I don't like". Which is fine. If you didn't like it, you didn't like it, but you acting like we're all stupid for liking it, or for not agreeing with you implicitly (which I'm inferring, obviously) is why I'm arguing with you over this.


    Might I remind you that you replied to my comment. Not the other way around ;)


    There is no debate. IMO, the last scene was absolutely horrendous. I can't imagine what you'd like about it but I didn't call you stupid for liking it either. It's a matter of opinion.

  6. It's a direct line from the comics, so I suppose the comics are written by a fourth-grader. The line in the comics is "They're fucking with the wrong people". The TV version, obviously, replacing fucking with screwing.


    I'm not talking about the comic. This is not the comic. They have to make adjustments so it doesn't come across as a horrible B-movie type script. The script in a comic carries a different feel. I don't know why you're acting like you don't realize this yourself.


    First of all, dropping the "fuck" makes the line inherently weak. You can't replace the word fuck in a moment like that. They should have made it a throwaway line then and ended on something else. Or if they really wanted to end it on that, get rid of that precursor line of "they're going to feel pretty stupid when they realize...". It's just SO douchey. I'm not a comic book reader but if I was, I would have made fun of it then. At least it makes a little more sense in a comic. In the TV adaptation, you gotta realize it comes off sounding fucking silly. It has to feel more natural on screen. I think you're alone (edit: nearly alone) on this one, Phil. Well I'm sure there are other fans that agree with you, but those ones are from a demo. you don't want to hear about.

  7. That last line was pathetic. I got all excited for Rick being back to his old form.. "there's something they don't know".. I'm thinking he set an explosive or he knows one of the guys on the inside or something crazy. "They're messing with the wrong people". Douche chills. I think a 4th grader wrote the script. It wouldn't be a bad throwaway line but the fact that it was THE line they ended on and there was so much buildup for it. Just awful.
  8. Lmao house was great for about 5 episodes then you realize every episode is going to be the same miracle diagnosis crap.


    Heroes was another one.. Fantastic first season.. Couldn't watch the second season.


    Holy shit. House. I liked this show until I watched it high out of my mind one time. I realized how fucking stupid it is. It's the same damn thing every episode and totally unbelievable.

  9. As annoying as the show has been at times, it has been incredibly entertaining over its 4 year run. I think its great television, that almost always leaves me wanting the next episode. I agree with Phil in the sense that the only season that was lacking, was season 2 on the farm. But still it was necessary to demonstrate the idea that they can never be comfortable. I love that dynamic; the transition from survival, to false security, to internal and external threats, to survival. The show has been careful enough to kill off characters at key times, instead of sending out shockers that would ultimately disenfranchise viewers.


    I don't like comparing shows. Good shows shouldn't be compared. I don't like putting The Wire, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, etc. in the same sentence. What makes a show good shouldn't be measured by comparing it to another great show. It should be what its done differently. The Walking Dead is different.


    I compare them in terms of attention to detail, storytelling, subtleties, natural flow, etc. You can compare them in a general sense of how well-thought out things were. Just because they're two different shows doesn't mean they can't be compared. Obviously the witty dialogue from The Wire isn't expected in Walking Dead. But there are things that are totally lacking in this show that shouldn't be.


    I keep hearing that it's a show about survival. It should be a show about survival. They've turned it into a show about zombies. They spend more energy making a zombie head and figuring out how they're going to smash it rather than figuring out how to bring Carol back in a not-ridiculous way.

  10. Oh I'm not upset that she's back. It's just if you're gonna bring her back without tearing down my suspension of disbelief, you better create a better story than her practically teleporting into the scene.


    You'd think the writers would at least make it so one group starts a huge fire to signal another. Or whatever. The execution and the details are the problem for me, not the entire story-arch.

  11. It's a loaded question. Why am I comparing a single episode to an entire season?


    I didn't think the last episode was that strong either, but I didn't hate it. I've seen worse.


    Well if I was to phrase the question "did you enjoy the episode?", you could have just said "yes". I don't "hate" the show. I hate how shitty it is compared to what it was and what it could be. It's all relevant. I'm not saying it's Keeping Up With The Kardashians or anything. And I'm not wishing you would hate it. I'm wishing it would get better so I can go back to enjoying it.


    You have to admit that scene with Carol re-appearing was strange as hell by any network's standards. Like B-movie type of stuff.

  12. I'm neither a girl, nor do I think of myself as having (that) poor of taste in television shows, and I'm still very much enthralled in the Walking Dead, and still very much committed to seeing it through to the end.


    I think what you are seeing here, is simply you not liking something and wishing would stop liking it too. Some have, some haven't.


    Then you're the exception to the rule then, from what I can see.


    In comparison to one from Season 1, how much did you enjoy this last episode?

  13. I stopped watching half way through the FARMVILLE episodes, picked it back up when the General showed up but even that got cheesey. Been powering through since but I'm done now.


    They didn't build any depth of character in the first season or half the second, they basically brought the show to a complete stop on the farm to try and establish a characteristic that brought worth to each of the main characters so people would "care" about them. But they swung and missed IMO. Then same thing where they basically stopped any and all momentum staying with the prison wayyy too long.


    Until they chuck all these characters and basically start new with a group that people watching can relate too the writers are going to continue to struggle. They're relying solely on the people who were fans of the comics tuning in regardless of content.


    This is my farewell to the show ... I'm just bored to tears at least 4 out of every 5 episodes.


    I have to disagree with you here. I know a few people that were fans of the comics and want nothing to do with this show. 2 of them were in during the first season then gave up during the 2nd. The other one didn't like it from the beginning.


    I think it's more of people who have poor taste that are still OMGOMG over Walking Dead. A lot of girls. I see people post about it on Facebook.. like shit.. is this the first time you've ventured away from the single digit channels? lol. Then there's the teenage audience I'm sure.


    I didn't mind 1 group stumbling into another. That was Michone finding Rick and Carl. I give the writers the benefit of the doubt here. But now they're all just hot on each other's trails? Shit I mean they're making a mockery of the idea of "tracking" and how awesome of a character Darryl was. You'd think they could figure out a better way to unite some of the group in time. 1 group should have been eaten alive this past episode for sure.

  14. I just noticed that this seasons poster is Rick and Carl on the train tracks. I wonder where they end up? lol




    And that's not even the trailers. I can't imagine watching the trailers for Walking Dead and finding it mildly interesting. Funny because there was a time during the 1st season when I was surprised by things.

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