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Everything posted by LindG1000

  1. it's all done. just gotta wait for the adjustor to look at the car now. I'm getting my rental at lunch.
  2. and claim time. bah. time to get le rental car.
  3. Yup. I need a rental today too. THAT best get to me.
  4. Waiting for word on my car and how much it's going to cost me to fix it.
  5. If you're picking a campus for partying you've applied to all the wrong schools and frankly you need to re-think your shit. BTW - Binghamton does a lot of in-dorm partying and the downtown area is a 5 minutes, $3-a-head cab ride. But hey, who cares as long as you're getting trashed and getting a degree, right? Alex, you're not so stupid as to use campus layout as a criteria for attending a college - at least I don't believe that. Prove me wrong, but I don't believe that. BTW, if you applied to Bing's Business school, they place heavy into Big 4 firms.
  6. Uh...dude? Binghamton is an incredible school and it's got the best bang for your buck MBA 5 year program on the East Coast. It's also my alma mater, so watch your tongue.
  7. Don't you pay attention to memes? Friday has to come before Saturday, then Sunday!
  8. Morning folks. First day off in what seems like an eternity. Off to Philly for a cheesesteak run and museums.
  9. So they finally found a midget ugly and desperate enough to nail the leprechaun?
  10. So they finally found a midget ugly and desperate enough to nail the leprechaun?
  11. Harris give her my phone number after you've struck out. Everyone deserves a good date for a bad one. jk ilu
  12. Start with a friendly introduction. Don't wave. Don't order too much water. Don't talk about your grandmother with Parkinsons, as it may give her the shakes. Certainly don't talk about the flood damage your house sustained in a monsoon. Don't ask to go surfing.
  13. I can't believe women actually never said yes to you before. Can't imagine why. Give me a minute to think about it.
  14. ticking on empty here folks. though, tomato soup with goldfish crackers is like pure awesomeness.
  15. I'm so sorry to hear that :( I remember going to the vet with my dog. Thought I'd be OK - went with my mom to support HER and ended up utterly distraught.
  16. I'll wait for the bloodcurdling scream
  17. I'll wait for the bloodcurdling scream
  18. Hope for ya. I'm combatting something more than a bug, but I'm a stubborn warrior of a guy and I just keep going instead of taking a sick day. Thinking I won't be truly healthy til next Friday or so.
  19. You don't need to agree philosophically with someone to see their value to a discussion. Welcome back :D
  20. You don't need to agree philosophically with someone to see their value to a discussion. Welcome back :D
  21. Lets conspire on this one. "This one" meaning to the "blaze of glory banning"
  22. holy crap, our logo should be the Rangers shield with the Obama campaign poster.
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