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Everything posted by LindG1000

  1. Because the Canadian media is endlessly obsessed with putting every French Canadian player in Montreal. It's stupid. I'm all for a moderate overpay on Lafreniere to get term - but it's more than we don't know what the cap will look like in three years when the real bill comes due. I'd rather slightly overpay for years 1-2 of a longer deal that meaningfully extends the current window than be pigeonholed into buying 7 years of UFA in a 100M+ cap market to open a new one.
  2. Now this, I can get behind. Don't pick the opponent. Scare em all.
  3. I don't think we need to overthink this, though. We also have a lot at stake - though, we can freely admit it is a lot of bragging rights and pride more than it is anything else. This team can break the franchise wins record if we win 4 of 8. We can break the franchise points record if we get 10 points from the remaining 16. Those are a big deal! Then, individual accomplishments. Panarin can get 50 goals. Kreider can get 40. Trocheck gunning down his first point-per-game season. Lafreniere going for 30. I'd also go down the other path - we are a GREAT team. Not good. Not scraping in on a technicality like 2020. Not coming in like a dark horse in 2022. We're great. We have everything we need to win a cup. Why are we concerning ourselves with the team thirty+ points behind us that we're going to face in round 1?
  4. Jacob Trouba knows where Elvis, Tupac, and JFK have been hanging out, too.
  5. Whatever happens tonight, win, loss, blowout, catastrophe, injury, shenanigans, skulduggery, theatrics, meteor impacts the Penguins bench....it's Trouba's fault per Penguins fans.
  6. I think the easiest way to understand our current situation is this: it doesn't matter who we play in the first round, but the single most dangerous matchup for us is Tampa. We are literally a 4-1 favorite on ANY of the possible matchups aside from Tampa (who is oddly favored against Boston as things stand). So, just go win games. Carolina has 7 games left and is 3 points back. Boston has 7 games left and is three points back. With two wins and a little assist from Nashville, we could go into Thursday with BOTH of those teams 7 points behind us - and they're facing each other.
  7. Panarin's unfortunate that the guys with him in the conversation for MVP are having equally - if not more - amazing seasons. You got McDavid punching up to 100 assists, which probably hasn't been done since Lemieux or Gretzky. You have Kucherov almost singlehandedly (no disrespect to Brayden Point here) keeping the Lightning relevant. We just saw Mackinnon last night - he's been incredible and has basically the same boxcars as Kucherov. You have Matthews pushing for the post-lockout single-season goals mark. Hell, he could go off and get 70- he's got 10 games to get 11 goals to do it. You have Pastrnak right there with Panarin on a Bruins team that...frankly, isn't as good as its record. I get the tier 2 talk. It just sucks because he really does deserve true consideration.
  8. I mean, when your one trick is scoring like 40 goals, it's kind of hard to get mad about it. I sometimes don't get how he simultaneously goes top 20 in goalscoring - the thing the game is about!! - and seems so invisible so often, but it is what it is. If I told you Chris Kreider has 66 points, is a +21, and is currently 18th in goalscoring the league, would you believe that? Because it's all true.
  9. I feel like this trivia has to be something not Leetch and utterly ridiculous. Like...Michael Del Zotto or something.
  10. I got 5-1 odds that at some point he calls Charlie Lindgren Charles Lindbergh
  11. I don't fear any other EC team. I don't really care who's on the other side - we're favored no matter what and it's well deserved. Even against those Carolina Candycanes. The only team that would be, let's say less than ideal in round 1. is Tampa. To me, that's not because we should fear them excessively, but more that they're far more battle-tested and likely to get us into a series. I don't see Washington, Philly, Detroit. or even Toronto dragging us into a hard-fought series. Tampa has that self-discipline and wildcard in goal that they could drag us to 6 or 7, and I want the rest.
  12. Last time we faced the Avs in Colorado in March, the league shut down the next day. Can we avoid that this time, please?
  13. I don't think many teams have the supporting cast the Rangers do. We're a deep, diverse team that finds ways to win when it shouldn't happen. We can out-skill teams, we can out-work teams, we can out-defend teams, Igor can steal games, we can grind teams down, we can surprise them with transition play. We're not a one-trick pony anymore.
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